Coconut Oil, Co Enzyme Q10, & Vitamin D. - PSP Association

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Coconut Oil, Co Enzyme Q10, & Vitamin D.

JudyJ profile image
11 Replies

Okay. In an effort to get myself organized and consistent, while I was out today, I bought the Cocnut Oil that has been discussed the past few days. I will take my 1st teaspoonful today. My only concern is the amount of fat in one teaspoon. It's 125 calories per teaspoon but also 125 fat calories. The label is hard to read but I believe it says the percentage of satruated fat is over 60. That's the bad fat, right? I'm a slender person who is amongst the lucky meaning I can eat anything at anytime and not gain weight. So the fat part doesn't bother but I'm taking it to my Neuro appoint. Wed. and get his opinion.

As an aside, the bottle is labeled "Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil". It also states you can use it as a substitute for other cooking oils, use it for baking, cooking, or as a spread or in it won't go to waste:)

If he should say no, don't take it, I may disobey & try it for a month. Just to see. My balance is so loosey-goosey when I'm up, it scares my daughter; don't blame her; scares me too. My falling backwards falls have slown down quite a bit, but falling to my side, usually my left as if being pulled by a magnet has icreased significantly. Between imbalance and falling, biggest obstacle for me in regards to quality of life. Essentially grounded without being bad:) So it might be worth the risk of the fat content if it helps walk straight-up, etc.

In terms of supplements, the other I've been taking is Vitamin D, 2000 mg. My Internist diagnosed me with dementia the fall of 2010, well in advance of PSP. She said it was due to my severe depression and that dementia can have many different causes. Regardless, I felt insulted. Really insulted. In hindsight she was right because that is when the other PSP started slowly and quietly. But I've been taking the D since then anyway. It does help with depression (I'm on an anti-depressant too). There was a report by a Doctor on our local news in the St. Paul, Minneapolis, MN, area late in the fall. He suggested everybody in MN should take it through the fall and winter months because of our many months of dark and dim.

Started the Co Q-10 a while back, which my Neuro was enthusiastic about but as I recently stated, I've been inconsistent in taking it. Bottom line, he said, is it's known to stop heart cells from dying or interrupts the signal so they don't die. He said research is showing it may do the same thing with brain cells. Stop or interrupt their signal to gather and die.

So while I was out today I also bought a larger 7 day med container for the just the supps as the one I have for daily meds won't hold them.

During my last visit with him, he did recommend fish oil which I haven't picked-up; I may have a duel between oils going...we'll see:)

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JudyJ profile image
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11 Replies
dorothy-thompson profile image

dorothy thompson

Hi Judyj

That's funny, I have just read today on the web about Co Q-10 and its possible benefits for psp, so my husband is going to take it.

Watch this space then as they say. Good luck

JudyJ profile image
JudyJ in reply to dorothy-thompson

I don't know if you know who "Dr. Oz" is, but started as a regular medical commentator on Oprah, and now has his own daily show; quite popular, doesn't seem quacky, and gives information in a way we can understand. Within the past few weeks, he specifically talked of Co Q-10 and it's health benefits, so there must be something to it at the rate it keeps coming up. Good luck to you as well.

jillannf6 profile image

hi i hav ebeen taking a small amt of co q 10 for a few months (boughT from ASDA) and do nto know if there r any benefits or not

but the studies seem to have been stopped so it si difficult to tell..

how r things going, dorothy generalLy for you?

i had a day without fallign yesterday and only 2 today, which is v good for me

when anyoen is comign or i am going to see someoen hte falls do increASE (STRESS!)

lol jiLL


JudyJ profile image
JudyJ in reply to jillannf6

Yea to you for a fall-free day yesterday & just a few today. I can't say I feel differently either yet, but admit to being inconsistent in taking it. But maybe some of these things we are taking are quietly doing their job & we don't know it; that'd be okay, too.

jillannf6 profile image


i hav ebeen taking a small amt of co q 10 for a few months (boughT from ASDA) and do nto know if there r any benefits or not

but the studies seem to have been stopped so it si difficult to tell..

how r things going, dorothy generalLy for you?

i had a day without fallign yesterday and only 2 today, which is v good for me

when anyoen is comign or i am going to see someoen hte falls do increASE (STRESS!)

lol jiLL



peterjones profile image

hi judy now i heard that taking fish oil thins the blood anyway mate there must be side effects

to everything we take these days and nothing is perfect in this very imperfect world we live in today take care look after yourself peter jones queensland australia psp sufferer

JudyJ profile image

Huh. I hadn't heard that. I'm sure you're right about side effects even if there are some helpful results. Yup to the imperfect world and I'll march on. Take good care of yourself, Peter.

jimandsharynp profile image

Judy, There was an article on one of the major news stations (national news) saying that fish oil was WAY overrated and that you needed to eat fish to get any good. With all the other meds my wife is taking we stopped the fish oil with no adverse affects. The size of the pills was also an issue.


JudyJ profile image

Thanks for this information as well. Tho my doc seemed to think fish oil is a good thing last visit, I want to talk to him about the coconut oil as well. Bottom line is I don't want to over-supplement myself. I take enough daily meds as it is. Am sticking with my Vitamin D, tho, & want to give the Co-enzyme Q-10 a fair chance, as I was inconsistent in taking it.

CyndyLouBlue profile image

The thing about coconut oil is that it behaves differently than most saturated fats due to the MCTs (which stand for Medium CHain Triglycerides) contained therein. I am no expert at all but there is a growing school of thought that part of our modern ills can be placed at the door of fat avoidance. We evolved eating fat and it contains important things that are hard to obtain elsewhere. Most polyunsaturated oils (like sunflower, rape, etc.) can be very unstable and go rancid very quickly. Rancidity is hard for the body to cope with. If interested do have a Google at Sally Fallon and Nourishing Traditions. Try not to worry about the calories thing. You have enough to worry about!

JudyJ profile image

Interesting and makes sense; I'll give Sally a google.

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