hi my mom is facing problem of falling backward from last year i.e jan 2012. Within few months her problem started increasing nd her movements became slower,she felt sleepy,she had urine problems nd constipation. We then admitted her under neuro doctor but i dont knw wat medicine he gave ,after 20 days in her right eye swelling came nd within 7 days her right eye vision gone after surgery.in a bigger hospital c was detected with uncontrld sugar nd mucormycosis ,a kind of fungus in right eye,nd parkisonism plus, 3 months c was hospitalised, nd after c got discharged,her walking problem became worse,now she need our support to walk,sit or wear dress.her movements are slower,c falls back or sideway,she feels too much sleepy all day. Her facial expresions are dulls. Medicines are doing no good. God knows wat will happen. I found about psp on net. I have doubt wether 2 has psp or parkisonism.
i have doubt wether my mom has parkinsonis... - PSP Association
i have doubt wether my mom has parkinsonism or psp

Falling backwards allot are one of the signs that someone may have psp. Swallowing difficulties are another and then there is the vertical gaze palsy problem. If you put your finger in front of her eyes and ask her to follow it up or down then if she has difficulty doing this then she may have vertical gaze palsy which is a sign of PSP. Looking up and down is difficult for people with PSP but looking from side to side is easier for them. Some medication can make a person very tired and weak, as can having very little to eat due to the difficulty eating. Does she take seroquel? If so that may be making her very sleepy. We used it as a sleeping tablet and found it good for that. You should consult your doctor if you are not happy with the medication. Also infections can knock a person with PSP.
no she is now given syndopa plus tablet which is for parkinson, plus antifungal tablet(voriconazole)for her right eye infection. We stopped medicines for two days but she still feel sleepy all day. She cant stand her own. Or sit. Physiotherapy is gng on
Hi, if your Mum has been diagnosed with PSP i think she may have the fast kind, hubby has been diagnosed for 3 years now and is chair bound. From what i have read and heard about this disease is when people have a fall, surgery, or any high emotions they go down hill for a few days after, and your mums sudden decline could just be that. but i would talk to your neurologist and GP and get all the information and help you can for now as this isnt like Parkinson's, it affects everyone in the family and you will have some hard times and hard thinking to do about how your going to manage, also POA and living wills /medical directives to set up. sorry for your mums drama with her eyes, but the big picture is the PSP so try and get organized for that because it sounds just like PSP to me, just like my Hubby has. sometimes we just wont accept things and why should we? but the decline will never go away. good luck to you all.
It is probably not a good idea to suddenly stop giving someone their medication, as they can get withdrawal symptoms and go down rapidly. Usually you have to wean someone off medication over a prolonged timeframe. My mum used to take anti-depressants and if I missed one or two out she could become slightly unwell too. Also a rapid decline can be an infection, such as a chest infection. Basically the person can become very limp all of a sudden and very unresponsive. Maybe check her temperature to see if she has an infection. Might be best to call your doctor and have someone take a look to see if she has an infection.
Sorry to hear of your problems. As far as the eye issues. People with PSP don't blink enough so the eyes dry out and can be prone to infections. I use GEL type eye drops in my wife's eyes. The GEL, not liquid, drops stay in the eye longer and lubricate it longer than the "normal" eye drops that are very liquid. One of the top neurologists at University Of Florida said that fallus early in the disease are one of the first signs of PSP. If they can't follow your finger WITHOUT MOVING THEIR HEAD when you move it up and down in front of them that's a good sign of PSP probably. If the finger is moved very high and very low and the eyes can't follow that's a great indicator of PSP.
Having any kind of surgery where the PSP patient goes under anathesia takes it's toll on them and they don't recover well most of the time. Some never get back to where they were before the surgery. I have a relative who is an anathesiaologist and he confirmed this for Alzhimers and other brain diseases including PSP.
Fatigue seems to be one of the effects of PSP in my wife's case. She tires easily and needs to rest/nap most afternoons. About one "event" like lunch out, church, etc. takes it's toll on her and fatigue sets in.
Hope I've been helpful. We are all constantly learning about PSP and how to deal with it. I'm a computer Geek so I surf the web alot and read alot about PSP on the internet. Good luck in your fight with PSP.
thanks everyone for suggestion. Yes her head also move little bit with eye while following my finger up nd down. I hav to ask neurologist again wether its psp or parkinson. Coz doctors confirmation is necesary
my mom also feels sleepy all day, nd takes nap all the time, even wen awake she want to lay on bed nd close eye.nd talk.,.
Hi , you need to get the opinion of a neurologist or a geriatrician. Have you joined PSPA and had information from us? if not do join and one of our specialist care advisers will be ablle to help you in this country or direct you to support abroard.
PSP is considered one of the Parkinson Plus disorders. My husband was first told he had Parkinson's, but it wasn't long before there were more symptoms.They then called it Parkinsonism, and until more symptoms arose a specific diagnosis couldn't be made. It was about 5 months (and more symptoms) before the neurologists at the movement disorder clinic gave the diagnosis of PSP.