Hi friends just wanted to ask if any of you know that if you have PSP your right side becomes weaker? My mum has PSP and I have noticed that her right foot now drags when I take her to the bathroom while I am holding on to her her head tilts up that was hard enough to manage but now her right foot also drags which is making it even harder. Her right eye also waters more than the left and sometimes she keeps that one shut. Her right arm and hand are also weak she is right handed but when I give her something to hold she will use her left hand. Has anyone come across the same thing I would like to know in case it's something else. I would very much appreciate it if anyone has any info on this.Thank you.
Right side weak with PSP? : Hi friends... - PSP Association
Right side weak with PSP?

My husband goes thru the same thing. All these evidences. His eyes have been killing him pouring water. It switches back and forth. From left to right. It is driving him crazy. I put drops in. It helps a little but not much. He is worn out with it. His life is just misery. 😢

Thanks for responding Laurel I know it's so hard to see someone you love so much suffering. I also put drops in my mums eyes but they don't help much. My mum is my best and only friend I have but she is not the same which makes me so sad. The worse thing is I have four other siblings but they don't care even though my mum has done so much for them. One of my brother lives with us with his wife even they are selfish. It's like they see me as a live in carer not a sister as long as they don't have to do it. My poor mum. I wish I could take this horrible disease and throw it away. I am trying my best on my own. I feel so sorry for people suffering with this disease.
I’m so sorry…. It is so horrible . You can’t even explain how bad it is. No one understands. I think maybe out of sight out of mind. But this is my life …. I respect that you are taking care of your mom. You will have no regrets as others will. You know you did your best. Take care of yourself also. Sending hugs and thoughts. ♥️
Cinderella, I think weakness in one side is usually a symptom of CbD rather than PSP - not that it makes any difference. The overall symptoms of the two diseases are very similar and as bad as each other. I fear it is likely the right hand side will become worse and worse. For Ruth she cannot use her right hand, her right foot turns in 90 degrees and the leg is weak, her right eye vision is bad...
You are doing a great job and do keep seeing if any of the charities / hospices can give you any help as you are doing it all on your own.
Yes my loved one had gotten weak on right side before left but now it's both. One of the exercises therpy gave us when she was walking and dragging or foot freeze to floor was to stand holding pieces of furniture and slow dance back and fourth left to right motion. Best wishes!
Hiya! I am 80 and 4years since diagnosed. It seems that everyone is different, and also that there are 8 main variants of PSP (I have recently learned). I am Rt handed and Rt footed, but it is usually my Lt foot that catches ons steps and causes tripping. Dunno why, but then my whole body frame is rather outa kilter! Not a lotta help ......? Keep on trucking! TIMbowPSP xx
They thought my dad had Corticobasal degeneration because of one side being weaker, it was the right for him too. Upon brain biopsy when he passed they discovered it was actually MSA ( multiple system atrophy). From my understanding PSP, CBD, MSA are similar in many ways, but like Richard 33 mentioned above, it doesn’t make much difference in their care. My dad learned to do a lot with his left hand for a while. Eventually that was hard too. Occupational health got him grips for pens, etc, which helped some. Keep going, it’s hell; but your mom will know how much you helped her.
Best wishes,
My husband definitely had right side issues, that was the side that would freeze and wander, when walking I would stand behind and catch his right foot with mine as it was always sliding away. Also had to stand on it when getting out of bed as it wouldn’t stay on the ground, it would pop up if not held down. All his alien limb symptoms were on the right side.
My dad's right side is also much weaker than the left. It's a symptom of corticobasal syndrome (CBS) which often occurs with PSP.
It's just part of the way illness. You can accommodate as much as possible and physiotherapy may help some, but not much more than that unfortunately.