I have avoided reading and writing blogs for the last couple of weeks, in part due to quite a large amount of building work going on at home in order to make access to the house easier for my husband. Also we needed (like everyone blogging) a break from psp. On Saturday evening my husband had a nasty fall landing onto his head leaving him with a degree of amnesia, grazes and bruises over his head and face. We spent the evening in a very busy A&E where no one had come across psp before. Fortunately I had taken some of the small info cards with me and they proved to be very useful. The doctor who saw my husband asked if he could keep one of the cards. I immediately said yes.
After a CT scan it was confirmed the injuries were superficial thankfully, and we were able to come home.
Thank you to PSPA for providing such a useful piece of information. My husband is slowly recovering, but this fall has upset him more than any of his previous ones.
Take care everyone and try and get a break when ever you can.
Love to you all.