why do we need to keep a diary in order to get incontinence pads when PSP automatically means incontinence will ensue?
why prove incontinence for pads? - PSP Association
why prove incontinence for pads?

We get ours delivered and do not have to keep a diary. Contact your local district nurse or gp.
Hi Dianne,
Sadly, it comes down to money!! They need to know how often the pads are likely to need changing. It will help them to determine how many pads will be required each month.
If "accidents" are a rare occurance at the moment they may decide not to supply pads until it becomes more of a problem
Once the decision has been made to supply pads you shouldn't need to keep the diary.
If you don't get pads supplied at this time you can always ask to be re-assessed at a later date,
Hope that helps
Kathy x
I don't think its to do with money, its sheer incompetence and mismanagement in the NHS.. After my husband had his operation for an enlarged prostate, all the medical equipment, pads, catheter bags etc were no longer needed. I informed our local district nurses, was told they would be collected. They never were, I told the company who supplied them and was told "We've already been paid by the NHS, so we don't want them back."
Here in Canada we have to pay for all this stuff out of our own pocket! As far as I'm concerned, it was worth it to buy them so we didn't have to do the wash 3 times a day when accidents occurred.
Our social medicine system covers a lot but not extras like this.
Thanks for your responses. I should have phrased that question more carefully as I know it's about quantities and requirements but I should also explain that it was the district nurse (via the GP) who declared we should keep a diary, Unfortunately even though we did just that she never got back in touch as promised and the care home have had to chase it all up again now that I have moved mum there. So we are having to pay for pads until it is sorted out.. I just think it should be an automatic assessment procedure rather than waiting for someone who is clearly busy doing other things to remember to come back!
I suppose I feel a sense of urgency for people to help us since it has taken 4 years to ascertain what mum really has and now that she is fully middle stage time is limited when she is able to get about and do things. I just want her to be free of issues for as long as possible while she is still reasonably mobile and alert.