my beautiful darling mum 74 years old, Diagnosed initially with atypical Parkinson’s 2022, and then last year was diagnosed with PSP , has rapidly deteriorated in the last 6 months. She was hardly able to swallow a few spoons of semisolid mashed and mixer blended fluid and sips of water. She had pseudo obstruction last month ( is on pruease 2 mg daily with crafting 30 ml night - has been with decreasing benefit) and then aspirated though it was mild pneumonitis . Thank God for small mercies .she had a PEG insertion done 2 weeks ago and is on 3 hourly feeds .now she suffers from severe reflux post feed , though all feeding precautions are taken .She is on pantaprazole 40 mg twice a day, domperidone 10 mg thrice , with two antacids .harrowing experience, my poor mum is suffering a lot .please can someone throw some light on this or if any experience with this
Thank you .
May Almighty ease the suffering of all our near and dear ones