My mum has had diahorea for about 2 months. Gp thinks that psp has effected stomach and bowl muscles and has suggested she goes to hospital for exploration. We are reluctant. Has anyone had this? What, if any is the solution. If there isn't one why should we put mum through the exploration?
Bowl exploration: My mum has had diahorea... - PSP Association
Bowl exploration
I presume this would be the same exploration as they do for bowel cancer; if the test show an abnormality then they perform a colonoscopy see if it is cancer or a polyp (growth).
"A colonoscopy is a test to check inside your bowels. This test can help find what's causing your bowel symptoms. A long, thin, flexible tube with a small camera inside it is passed into your bottom."
Before this they ensure the bowels are empty.
It should not be a traumatic experience, my wife was due to have one and I spoke with the nurses in that department about it.
To be clear I am not inferring that your mum may have cancer.
Hope this helps.
Hi We are in a similar situation currently with my husband. He had over 3 weeks of very loose bowel movements and accidents which was a sudden change from his normal go every couple of days, normal BM. We think it may be Lansoprozle he was taking and have stopped this. There wasn't an immediateimprovement but seems to be a bit better after a week off the medication. medication could be one cause worth looking into. We had different intervention advice, neuro nurse suggested stool sample to see if an infection and neurologist said bowel exam to see if impacted so his suggestion sounds similar to that suggested for your mum. I'm waiting to hear back. Any progress and I'll update you.
Sorry to hear about your mum. My husband has had the same, with diarrhoea for over 3 months. We have had a ‘ not sure why’ response from his GP and specialist nurse as PSP usually causes constipation and not diarrhoea ! I have looked at certain foods being the problem and tried to rule them out but it doesn’t seem to have made a difference. However he has had bloods taken and the NHS bowel cancer screening test (FIT) which was negative and advised to take Loperamide. The GP has offered a referral for further investigation and although it is distressing for him he is reluctant to go through any further tests. This is therefore another question for his next neuro appt as PSP appears to manifest different symptoms and not just the text book standard. X
hello, my husband experienced diarrhoea for 3 months and we finally got to see a gastroenterologist. After his examination he suggested taking flax seed. We tried this and hey presto the diarrhoea stopped! After 3 months it felt like a miracle! We now mix in luxedo approx alternate days and we keep a better balance. Different medications (like antibiotics), can upset the balance but things have improved with flax! Good luck
I am a medical doctor and my mum has PSP with all these symptoms. Please try giving her probiotics like sporolac DS , thrice a day along with a starch binding foods like rice , banana, soft for her to swallow too ) .
Her loose stools will start getting tighter .
Hope this helps !!