I am looking to take my mother in law away for a long weekend. She is in a wheelchair, and is eating pureed foods. Has anyone got any ideas?
Can anyone help?: I am looking to take my... - PSP Association
Can anyone help?

a lvoely thought to giev your m ih la wsome quality time
i realluy think if y choose somehwhere your m iin law would like to go and get a cottage with wheelchiar access/shhower etc than it woudl be a good break for her.
BUT you need sojemone with you too o'wise u will be worn out iwth it #
love jill and a

Our Carer's Information Pack, which can be downloaded from pspeur.org/user/docs/PSP%20... has advice about holidays (pages 53-58) which you might find useful.
Best wishes,
We stayed in a lovely little cottage near Southwold (Suffolk) with Mum last October. All level access with a shower that you need to be able to take a few steps to use. It was a little bit isolated so ideally you would need a car to get out and about but it had a lovely sunlounge where we spent quite a lot of time. They also made Mum and Dad's small dog very welcome! Sadly, it's not really suitable if your mother-in-law requires hoisting. Kitchen is very well equipped so you could prepare pureed meals quite easily. Sleeps 4. I could find the details for you if you were interested??
Hope you find somewhere and have a lovely time - we certainly did!
Love Kathy xx
There is a hotel in Bournemouth called the Grove Hotel which caters for people with cancer and other illness. I was told about it at our local hospice and I am taking my husband ther for 5 days in April. If you google the grove hotel Bournemouth you will find it.