I am the daughter of Christine
We are battling to get a diagnosis and have had no support from
Anyone despite being 4 years in
My mum cannot mover her right side hand or leg effectively and has alien limbs and rigidity in her leg causing multiple falls and a fractured arm that required surgery a few months ago
She had slurred speech and difficulty swallowing and behavioural changes
She was unfortunate to see a neurologist locum 3 years ago who looked at the wrong patients scans and showed us 3 bulging discs in the neck and referred her for spinal surgery . We waited 2 years for this believing that was the issue
I was constantly phoning to say she was getting worse and trying to get help from the gp for physio etc but they couldn’t help as thought it would make it worse
When she finally saw the neuro surgeon 2 years on he straight away said her actual MRI didn’t show anything to suggest she needed surgery and that it was clearly neurological and she shouldn’t have been referred to him
This WASTED 2 precious years of not getting help in any way whilst the disorder progressed.
She has now seen a neurologist after I battled to get an emergency appointment and since had a nerve condition test and Meg as they thought it was motor neurone disease. This has now been ruled out and they think it could be cbd or psp although her symptoms suggest cbd.
Pls is still a possibility although rare
She is currently in hospital after having seven falls in a 24 hour period and it has been a battle as no one seems to understand or communicate in hospital. They seem focused on freeing up a bed and think putting a bed and commode in the living room is the answer to all our worries
We are all including my mum feeling like no one cares and everything is always a battle
The neurologist she saw back in December referred her for physio, speech and swallowing, OH but we still haven’t heard from them only the ones in the hospital currently
We have adapted her house ourselves with stair lift, rails everywhere, downstairs toilet and as she is getting worse that still isn’t enough. She lives alone and we go most evenings and weekends and do all her cleaning etc
Any help, advice support is greatly appreciated
They have discussed between themselves if she could go to a neuro rehab in the short term which I think may benefit her but are now saying she doesn’t meet the criteria as she has failed the cognition assessment - not really clear on what this means
Needing some advice on where we go from here
And trying to look at options, will she need 24 hour care or can she stay at home as she wants to with support and what might that look like, entail and who would sort that out? Would she qualify for Continuing health
she is just on a general ward and I feel that as she isn’t diagnosed the people assessing her don’t really understand and she isn’t getting the right support in there