Has anyone experienced fingers locking up,unable to open and close hand? It presents like trigger finger.Ring and middle finger.If so has anything helped?
Locked fingers: Has anyone experienced... - PSP Association
Locked fingers
Hi. I have Parkinson's and get locked fingers in the hand of my tremor. Sometimes I notice it if I've been doing some chore requiring the use of the hand, such as using scissors, typing or sweeping. Other times it occurs when I'm cold. It usually locks in one finger, my middle one and requires me to manipulate it with the other hand. I thought supplements might do the trick but they didn't. Hope you find some ideas.
Hello. Yes, my husband for 2 years woke with one hand clenched. An occupational therapist made a plastic mold of his hand when opened and strappped it on each night to keep his hand open.
On a number of occasions I will experience the clenched fist and locked fingers. When this happens, I run my hand/fingers under warm water massaging them and gently prying them open.
I get the locked fingers, too, without having any diagnosis other than arthritis and some nerve damage from a fall years ago. Repetitive motion or clenching will set it off, but, like you, Tim, I find hot water and massage works, so far. It's very disconcerting. With cold weather here now I know I need to get the gloves out! Snow is forecast here for Friday!
Hi Sandiegk!
We have had that problem too. To open the clenched hand in the shape of a fist, we massage the hand alternating with hot wet cloths.
Once we were able to open the fist, we continued massaging it and finally we let it squeeze some rubber balls that prevented from digging in the nails and facilitated future fist opening.
Hug and luck.
Thank You all for the comments will give any tips you replied with a try.I appreciate everyones input.Have a Blessed Day.
Mikes left hand is so bad that the nails on the middle and ring fingers are dead. He had Botox in both hands a couple of weeks ago but so far there’s been no change. He says it hurts too much to try and unclench the fingers, so we just put a rolled up towel in his hand. Massage helps a bit but the hands are too far gone to repair anything.