What strange times we are in, Horace passed from this life on the 14th April 2020 after a heroic battle with PSP he never complained, but the last four weeks of not being able to visit him was just too much for him and he decided enough was enough. He loved his food even the soft diet which he had been on for six months but with the lonely days of no visitors he decided to refuse all food and water offered, he was still fully aware but fading slowly. The Nursing Home allowed me a two hour visit in afternoon before he passed and we talked of all the good times we had had together, they then came to say I had to leave and as I said goodbye I knew it would be the last time we would be together, I whispered to him that it was alright for him to go now and he went to sleep and passed peacefully early the next morning.
My Horace : What strange times we are in... - PSP Association
My Horace

So sorry to hear your sad news. This wretched virus has caused a lot of heartache for people either caring for, or with loved ones in a nursing home. He was obviously determined that he no longer wanted to endure this disease without being able to be with his loved ones and decided enough was enough. He was a brave man to do that. I’m please you were allowed to see him for one last time before he died, you will treasure that visit I’m sure. It’s sad that
people can’t arrange proper farewells in these torrid times but I hope you manage to say your goodbyes to him I’m a meaningful way.
Sending love
Kate xx
Sending Gentle Hugs... Granni B
I’m so sorry for your loss of Horace. I’m glad the nursing home gave you two hours towards the end but it saddens me that they didn’t allow you to visit sooner to help get him to eat. The pandemic is the last thing we need to deal with. Oh my gosh, I’m so very sorry!
I am very impressed how in such difficult circumstances the lovely way you were able to say goodbye.
God bless to you at this difficult time.
Love and prayers. Ken.
Dear Chris.
Sorry to hear about your loss. And I'm sad that you have to be without visits because of the times we are the time. Sending you hugs. Love Maddy xx
Such a poignant parting.
It's sounds like you found a great strength through your deep love.
I hope you are able to give hold him in your heart so that he is always with you.
Wishing you the best in your way forward.
I am so sorry to hear your sad news. How good that you were able to be with him in the afternoon and give him what he wanted you to give him, that he could go and that he went then fell asleep for ever. That is a very precious thing that you did for him. A big hug and love for you now. AliBee x
Love to you and your family🥀
I am so sorry to hear this and will be thinking of you at this difficult time. I am so glad that the home let you in to be with him one last time. Take care of yourself in these difficult days
Love Sarahxxx
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. What great courage you both have had.
I hope you have folk around you who are able to support you through your grieving. May you know a peace beyond your understanding through this very strange and sad time.
Virtual hugs,
So sorry to hear of your loss particularly sad at this time x
So sorry for your Loss Big Hugs .Take care of yourself xxx
So glad you were able to spend time with Horace to say goodbye and that his passing was peaceful. Thinking of you at this sad and difficult time. xxx
Dear Chrissmitch, this is very sad news and I am so sorry for the loss of your dear Horace. I am so glad you got to have those precious 2hrs with him, recalling all those happy times you shared together and whispering those comforting words for him. I hope now you get some peace and comfort knowing that he passed away peacefully with those lasting thoughts of happy memories with you and is no longer suffering from this evil disease.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.
Lots of love Nanny857xx Ps
My sincere condolences to you for your loss. May he Rest In Peace. 💔🙏
I am so sorry to hear that Horace has died. May he rest in peace finally free from this evil disease.
Sending big hug and much love
Lots of love
So sorry to hear your news. Hope you are coping well and continue to remember the good times you & Horace had. Nice photo x
So sorry to hear Horace has passed. Your touching story of his last days have brought tears to my eyes . Losing your husband to this awful disease is hard enough , but the restrictions that are upon us now as we are apart during from loved ones because of another disease are most difficult , especially at a times when being together is all we have left. Your husband seems like a strong man to have made terms with this disease and dealt with it his way. May you find peace in his strength and comfort in the love you have for each other. Be kind to yourself as you grieve . BIG HUGS , NCPAT
I’m so sorry to hear, but so glad you were able to visit that one last time.
So sorry for your loss
Heartfelt condolences
My condolences to you. Horace was in good hands and heart. Prayers are for you and you family as you start your new journey. Blessings.
Please let us know how you are doing.
Dear Chrissmitch; I send my sincere condolences in the loss of your beloved. Your parting sounds about as good as we can get in these painful circumstances and I believe the memory of a good parting can bring a unique comfort,
Now begins a new and different struggle as you make your way through grief. Sending hugs for the journey ❤️❤️❤️
Anne G
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's sad that you were not able to be with him more. He was a courageous man and you have so many precious memories. You will treasure the time you had with him to say goodbye. God luck with the next stage.
lots of love from Jean xx
I am so sorry for your loss. As hard as this journey is, and during these unfortunate times, I am happy for you to know you had your time with him.
Heartfelt sympathies -
So sorry for your loss. I’m glad you got to be with him before he passed to remember your life together. Prayers for you and your family.
Like my sister bless him she never complained and just tried to carry on. Love to you all xx
So sorry for your loss ,sending love and hugs, may Horace rest in peace, love to all xx
What a sweet goodbye you had! I know your heart is heavy now, but his peaceful leave-taking is a special memory, too. God rest him.
With my sympathy,
Am so sorry and sad for you but so glad you got to say 'goodbye'...My sister in LTC is declining every day and it's heartbreaking not to be able to see her...I will be thinking about you especially now when even getting family support is not allowed...Take care sending 'virtual' hugs!!
my heart goes out to you. The last 4 weeks must have been horrible for both of you. I am so glad you got to say goodbye. You have my deepest condolences. Take care of yourself and know that you did a great job as a carer.
Warm Regards,
I’m so sorry for your loss but pleased you got to say goodbye and let him know it was OK for him to go. It’s such a sad time made worse by this awful virus and I hope you have support, even if it is at a safe distance.
Sending you a big hug.