TRS-A SAFE Heavy Metal Detox: Hello, I am... - PSP Association

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TRS-A SAFE Heavy Metal Detox

Reidallison profile image
15 Replies

Hello, I am EXCITED !!!

I don’t have a lot of time to post right now, so this won’t be as thorough as I would like but I could not wait to tell you all about this! Please Please check into it ! It is amazing! Healing everything and I’m not kidding! The Best place to learn about it is FaceBook just search under TRS 90,000 members and testimonies galore! Oh how I wish my mom was still alive I would get her a gallon! I think this could really be something that EVERYONE on this site would benefit from and possibly HEAL you or your loved ones!! I will try to check back later and try to answer any questions you might have.. please check into this!

I Love you


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Reidallison profile image
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15 Replies
Kevin_1 profile image

Anyone who has read the research on heavy metal detox knows it is fraudulent.

Please respect the folk here struggling to care for those they love.

Reidallison profile image
Reidallison in reply to Kevin_1


I’m so sorry you feel this away. I have followed you for sometime now, I respect you and your knowledge. I have nothing but hope and good intentions! Please check into this more.. this isn’t your typical detox

This is the ONLY one out there that does what the one I’m talking about does.

I have personally seen healing in babies, children, adults and elders!! ( that dr can’t explain ) I lost my beautiful mom to the evil psp disease and I never was told about or heard about or came across ANYTHING that gave me any kind of hope or any chance whatsoever for my suffering mother!! I only wish I would have found this before my mom was so brutally taken from her loved ones! (Just my personal opinion I guess ) I do apologize if I crossed any kind of line with you or anyone else, definitely was not my intention.

Best wishes


Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Reidallison

Hello Alli

My apologies, I miss-took you for one of those spammers who float through here.

It is still nonsense I'm afraid. And, you will know I am seldom that blunt.

Heavy metals, those that are not excreted, tend to get placed deep into tissue and bone. Where they stay.

This product vaguely says it removes anything with a positive charge and then lists some nasties. Basic chemistry. Ions have positive charge and we need many of these to survive. Heavy metals do not form ions (a positive charge) only heavy metal salts do. Heavy metal salts are not heavy metals. Apart from that anything removing "ions" is likely to kill us as it is all but impossible to discriminate between unwanted ions and those essential for life.

Added to this they talk of yeast and arsenic in their literature. Neither are metals and neither will be in some ionic or charged form. Besides the body is able to excrete arsenic.

This is marketing aimed at the gullible who have little or no basic biology and chemistry to fall back on. It follows a long line of similar snake oil cures all of which eventually get disproved.

I will remind you that the whole Detox Spa thing, which was very popular has long been abandoned as fraudulent.

Some people do get poisoned by heavy metals (I am talking serious poisoning here, not just detectable levels) and there is no known way to remove them. Think radioactive material ingestion. One of the reasons for this is that heavy metals are most often extremely non -reactive. Lead is a good case on point.

In checking my facts before replying to to you I went to a number of really quite authoritative looking sites. They often list the heavy metals. This is good because it is a quick giveaway of fraudulent sites. When I see Iron, Zinc and copper similar others listed. These are not heavy metals, and they are in fact essential to the bodies functioning.

Heavy metal detox is the current snake oil.

You say you are happy to check back with answers for any questions which people might have. I think an explanation of precisely how this product works biologically and chemically and an independent study showing its efficacy is a very good place to start. These are absolute minimum standards for any treatment.

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Reidallison


I mean you no ill will.

I just get angry at the number of products aimed at folk who are either fearful, or in great need.

Selling items such as these for clinical use is illegal illegal in the EU. The seller has either to market such items as a leisure product or, a food, or some such. They cannot make unsubstantiated clinical claims, not market items as a treatment until it has been through a full clinical trial process and it has been substantiated. In the US there is the FDA, but such items are permitted still.

Wishing you the best


Richard33 profile image
Richard33 in reply to Kevin_1


Thanks as ever for putting the time in to give us the facts.


BB2408 profile image
BB2408 in reply to Kevin_1

TRS isn’t sold for clinical use

It’s no different to adding in a vitamin or supplement to your diet and hoping for some (even if small) positive changes...

I respect your research but I’m always amazed how natural approaches are snubbed. Let’s remember that pharma make their money on maintenance not cures in this world.

Anymore info on why you believe a toxin and metal detox solution doesn’t work would be interesting.

I’d assume you have the same opinion of highest strength CBD Oil ???

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to BB2408

The alternative health market in America is worth about $200 Billion. In this light one cannot only shout about the marketing of the big pharma. The alternative medicine market is equally driven. but with less controls. It is interesting that allopathic medicine in America is exceptionally expensive at the point of delivery. I often wonder to what degree this creates a demand for cheaper alternative treatments as demonstrated by the market figures above.

There is some evidence that chelation therapy can remove heavy metal in cases of acute poisoning. I'm not sure if this is chelation therapy though.

The 'acute' here is important. As the ncbi study points out heavy metal build up is cumulative over years and it is unlikely that any therapy will remove heavy metals which are deeply embedded in bones and tissues.

You will also note the authors comments that very little is known about this yet and that much more work needs to be done.

I am not knee-jerk snubbing anything. I am applying a little science and a little caution too. Throughout my life I have seen one thing after another become the big healing thing and then when research is eventually done it is dropped and replaced by the next big healing thing. I am hard put to remember any of them which proved to deliver even a small health benefit. Fish oils are a good example. Worth $1,905.77million globally and the research shows virtually no benefits.

Our only defence against 'big marketing' is to research the evidence.

Your assumptive question about CBD oil tells me that you are not differentiating between different issues and proposed treatments. So why should I answer a second question when the first, very different question, is still under discussion?

You also appear to think that I am against alternatives per se? Er, no. See my evidence based posts on the forum on CBD oil.

A very good source for evidence is Cochraine which was developed to try and bring an evidence base to those health decisions we have to make.

BB2408 profile image
BB2408 in reply to Kevin_1

Unfortunately in this world it’s costs to be healthy. Even healthy foods are more expensive, rather than heavily polluted and sprayed fruits and vegs. I’m sure we can agree that this shouldn’t be the case but sadly is. So I take on board your point on the opposite markets worth £$

Fish oils aren’t actually healthy so I agree there I’ve read something on pufa oils...

I cannot find your CBD posts I’d be interested to read more though

I’m always on the look out for healthy approaches for my young diagnosed RA. I don’t want to be on drugs forever. So many positive testimonials for CBD and TRS, I do struggle to side with the argument they’re of no aid ? (Well maybe you’re argument is just TRS in this instance)

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to BB2408


Apologies. I edited my post and I suspect our posts crossed.

Does CBD oil help you with RA?

Remember that the placebo effect is such that at least 30% of people will experience symptom relief no matter how effective the substance taken.

Time and again the evidence is that a good healthy diet with plenty of fruit and veg with some exercise are the most important things we can do to stay, or get well.

Your post encouraged me to look some things up. Thanks.

Some years back 'detox' was the big thing. As is almost always the case after some years of the alternative medicine industry (plus spars made a mint out of it we started getting real research through.

Yes this forum is designed in such a way that it is hard to find old posts so that we have to keep posting on the same topic. (sighs)

I think there is a lot of wheat and chaff with CBD oil and Canabinol. Millions have been poured into it for marketing and production. We tried it for PSP and could not see any benefits after a year. That was outr approach BTW - If there appeared to be reasonable evidense we would try it ofr a period and then make our mind up. There is strong evidence that it is helpful with Parkinson's as it directly improves the chemistry of making sugars available to both the brain and muscles in Parkinsons where that mechanism becomes flawed. There is growing research that it is helpful for some things and not others. The wild claims made for it are slowly getting sorted out. The industry is so desperate that in Australia, where it is illegal, they use a form of cannabis with virtually no canabinol in it... then sell it as cannabis oil!

Anyway, I wish you the best on what must be a difficult journey.

Reidallison profile image
Reidallison in reply to Kevin_1


I’m so sorry you feel this away. I have followed you for sometime now, I respect you and your knowledge. I have nothing but hope and good intentions! Please check into this more.. this isn’t your typical detox

This is the ONLY one out there that does what the one I’m talking about does.

I have personally seen healing in babies, children, adults and elders!! ( that dr can’t explain ) I lost my beautiful mom to the evil psp disease and I never was told about or heard about or came across ANYTHING that gave me any kind of hope or any chance whatsoever for my suffering mother!! I only wish I would have found this before my mom was so brutally taken from her loved ones! (Just my personal opinion I guess ) I do apologize if I crossed any kind of line with you or anyone else, definitely was not my intention.

Best wishes


kenh1 profile image
kenh1 in reply to Reidallison

I recently took part in a clinical trial for a new drug for a lung disease that I have. I was number 1 in the trial. I was worse at the end of the trial than at the beginning. Maybe I was on a placebo. I was told that if the trial is successful I will be given the drug but that will be in two years time. There is a reason why they do these trials and why I will only take medicine that has been scientifically proven to work.

BB2408 profile image
BB2408 in reply to kenh1

TRS isn’t a drug just fyi

It’s no different to adding a vitamin or supplement to your diet and hoping they’ll make some natural positive changes.

Sorry you felt worse after your drug trial

kenh1 profile image
kenh1 in reply to BB2408

Point taken. The point I was trying to make is that if people are making claims about thesuccess of supplements and vitamins these products should also face similar regulations to medicines.

BB2408 profile image
BB2408 in reply to kenh1

It’s the same as with anything natural I guess, that everyone’s successes vary. TRS isn’t some magic spray but I do believe with other life style changes it can be a factor in a healthy future.

I’m a RA sufferer and I do believe vaccines amongst other things which involve heavy metals can be factors in auto immune conditions.

GPS won’t tell you this of course. For me I’m willing to trial any natural aids. I don’t want to take drugs my whole life.

Hope you feel better now

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