Hi all, does anyone have any suggestions for door signs please? My mom is very hard of hearing and is finding that dad will try to get up and answer the door if she doesn't hear it and she's in the next room. This is making life frustrating for her, as he gets up and falls over! He does have an alarm fitted to his chair, but despite several visits by the OT, it's not going off until he's out of the chair and taken several steps. He won't do as he's told and stay in his chair. I'm worried about putting anything like 'disabled person' info on the door, as they're vulnerable. Mom thinks a 'do not disturb' sign is rude, and would put off the essential callers who may not knock. Just wondered if anyone else had this issue and what you did to make life a bit easier please.
Door signs for callers: Hi all, does anyone... - PSP Association
Door signs for callers

Can she have a mobile buzzer or light that when the door bell rings, It goes off ? also you might be able ot tweek dads alarm so it goes off faster...though I am just thinking of solutions, I am not sure these are viable....Talk to a door or guy about a mobile door bell. Or maybe even a home improvement store. Surely they have soemthing ....I just googled it and ...
Home improvemnt centers have ADA (American Disabilities Act) approved door bells. Several types so google what your mom might need. I also googled the chair alarm....And there may be something better out there for you/ your dad.....Check it out...All of them say "upon rising" so unless he's a bunny It seems like one ought to be out there more suitable for him.
Goodluck and Google on
I'm laughing at your 'bunny ' comment!!! Thanks so much for your suggestions...I can see how obvious some of them are, but they didn't occur to me! Will go and have a session on Google now. We have tweaked dad's chair several times, to no avail, and the OT doesn't seem to know what to do (she says she doesn't know much about assistive technology, and we weren't even offered the alarm, we had to ask for it after someone on here suggested it)! Will go and have a Google sesh now
There are systems that are connected to your mobile phone, which, I would imagine, vibrate as well as ring. Also, it is attached to a camera, so you can see who is at the door at the same time.
Lots of love
How about No Cold Callers Please. That would get rid of some of them? Apart from that a loud...very loud bell on the front door for people they want to see?
Marie x
My mother in law has a doorbell which is wired into a lamp. When the doorbell rings, the lamp flashes several times. It came from Lowes home improvement store and was easy to set up. Now if she would stop taking the bulb out of the lamp....