sadly steve passed away at the hospital at 12h15 today at least his nightmare is over
steve said farewell to us all: sadly steve... - PSP Association
steve said farewell to us all

hi lynn
so sorry to hear of steve's passing
you had not had much good timei together
plz ksep on the site we do need you
i went ot a psp meetign in liverpool yesterday - quite positivei apart from the fact that the PSP patients were represented by their better halves in 4 cases as they were 2 unwell themselves to go
love jill
hi lynn,
im so sorry for your loss, we are all hear for you
at this sad time ,steves suffering is now over, and
he is now at peace god rest his sole,
luv ray
Lynn, everything moved so quickly, I am so sorry for your loss, and do so hope that the thoughts and love from members will provide a small comfort to you.
love Kay
So sorry for your loss.As you say,Steve's nightmare is over and he will be at peace.It is a cruel cruel disease and makes casualty's of us all. I wish you strength for the months ahead.
So very sorry to hear of your loss. Steve is now at peace from this horrid illness and now you must take strength and comfort from your family and friends at this very sad time.
Take care of yourself, Lynn and you know you will always have friends on here to help you through your sorrow.
God bless......................SuzieQ xx
So sorry to hear your sad news - we lost my dad to PSP on 1st Jan and its still really raw. Our thoughts are with you and your family
Dear Lyn,
I'm so sorry to hear your news. My thoughts are with you at this sad time for you.
Take care over the coming months and do stay in touch.
thankyou all very much steves funeral is on the 7th march at the harwood park crematorium in stevenage at 3.30pm i feel relieved that he is no longer suffering
Hi Lyn
so sorry to hear the sad news. When I lost dad I felt both the sense of despair or losing him and the relief that his suffering was over. Please take care of yourself and my thoughts are with you
Lesley x
So sorry to hear of your loss and can only echo the words and thoughts that have been offered through the forum.
Take care of yourself.
Lynn, so sorry to hear of your loss. no matter how prepared we think we are, it's a huge shock to the system. Stay with us, and keep shouting here if you need to
Fiona x
Hi Lyn
So sorry to read about the loss of your husband. It sounds like his disease progressed so very quickly just as it did with my lovely dad.
My dad died on March the 7th, 2008 after being diagnosed only 6 months before. Up until then they thought he had Parkinson's but after a bad fall it seemed to bring the PSP on very aggressively.
I know what you mean about the feeling that your husband is no longer suffering as it is such a cruel way to die. The despair of losing him must still be great though. I hope you have people around you who are supporting you and helping you get through one day at a time.
Sending you lots of best wishes
Jo x