My dear daddy passed away today. Am overcome with grief, and writing on this forum helps me in a way- therapeutic. Daddy was misdiagnosed about 5 years ago with Parkinson’s, and it was only this year around Feb/March he met a neurologist who said he had PSP. He was at home until he had a fall and was taken to hospital in March. After that he ended up in a nursing home near my mum luckily, who was able to visit him every day. The past nine months have been such a whirlwind of emotions, seeing my daddy detoriate so quickly. I was able to visit dad a lot with my three month old baby girl, and I was so pleased he got to see her in his final days. He was trapped in his body, could not move at all. His mind was mentally sharp though right up to his last days. His eyes were open and looking straight at us. We talked to him, played music, showed our babies (my sisters children as well) to him, read poetry to him. Today his sister, his wife and eldest daughter was at his vigil, and my sister read a Yeats poem to him just before he took his last breath. He was listening. He’s in pain no more, and I have such treasured memories of him before the cruel PSP took him bit by bit. He had so much more to live for, he was fit and healthy until the PSP took over. He had a wonderful send off. Now to get through the next few weeks of funeral planning and memorial. I worry for my mum, who was dads carer all these years. I bet she’s wondering what now? All we can do is be there for her.
Thanks for reading and thoughts go out to those going through the same thing.
Emily x