Sitting in the hospital waiting for transport to bring Craig home. Mixed emotions as I can’t wait for him to be back in familiar surroundings and with people who love him but knowing he is coming home to die. I hate this disease it takes everything from them but I am determined to make sure he knows how much he is loved and what a wonderful husband, father, grandad and friend he was and still is xx
Going home: Sitting in the hospital waiting... - PSP Association
Going home

Dearest Jayne
You are a very wise woman & my heart is with you, hubby & your family.
Sending hugs... Granni B

Thank you ❤️
It’s a very hard thing to do and watch. Your being there is important for the two of you.
It’ll be nice to have him home with you by his side as difficult as it will be. I ache right along with you. I’m so sorry. Sending hugs
Xoxo from I SewBears
Oh poor you and Craig, don’t give up trying to get him home but if you don’t get there don’t worry he will still know that he is surrounded by people who love him even if it’s in hospital. Just be with him and keep cuddling him and holding him. It’s so hard and I am sending you lots of love and hugs - we will still meet for that coffee one day in the meantime take care and stay strong, we are all here for you.
Love Sarahxxx
Oh Jayne, my heart goes out to you, Craig and your family and friends. May you all find peace as you share these final days, hours, however long you have together.
With love and blessings Anne
Thinking of you & your family at such a difficult time. xxx
Yes, that is wat you can do, that is what you wil do, and it will be wonderful.
Though an awful one, it is a great privilege to see a loved one through their last days and minutes to their best-possible death, knowing they are so deeply loved. It is a tremendous gift.
Prayers for the two of you ❤️❤️❤️
Anne G.
Hi Jayne, I was exactly in this situation in August, all you can do now is as you say, show Craig how much you all love him and just be by his side, love to all Julie x
Thanks Julie. Yesterday was his first day back home and we never got much sleep, he was quite poorly and I thought last night would be his only night back here with us. I told him how much he is loved and talked about the things we have done and told him about what his 2 beautiful grand children have been up to and he smiled. I cried and he stroked my arm and told me not to m. It’s going to be hard but his final days, weeks will be happy ones x
At some point you will want to tell him that you will be okay and he’ll know that he can let go in peace.
Someone on this site told their loved one that they would only be a whisper away and that really struck a cord with me. If I could remember who that was I would send them a huge hug and a giant thank you. I know that I’ll always feel my husband’s presence even after he’s gone and I’m sure that I will talk to him long after he’s gone. I don’t want him to go but I also cannot be selfish. The last thing I want is for him to suffer. I hope I can be strong. Keep writing to us because it’s good therapy and we want to support you during this sorrowing time.
❤️from I SewBears