Sandy has a wonderful power wheelchair (with attendant controls for me). His wife is an official backseat driver (every man's dream). He can't handle it because he isn't able to necessarily stop when he needs to because he can't quickly remove his hand from the joystick. Also he doesn't have good peripheral vision or depth perception so he runs into things.
Well, up until yesterday, whenever we go out, I get him situated outside and he drives by himself down our long straight driveway (which is nine feet wide) to the van where I meet him and load him onto the ramp etc.
Yesterday, he managed to run through my recently planted succulent garden which runs right along the side of the house and wedge his chair up against the house, hooked under a shingle so it was good and tight. Poor guy. It's a good thing he didn't get his arm or hand in there. Fortunately the caregiver was due in an hour and when I called him, he came right away to get us out of this jam.
We were headed out for an bank errand and then out to lunch. Needless to say by the time we finished at the bank, he was worn out and we came back home. Another defeat for him. One more loss. We adjust and go forward!!
Luckily, succulents don't mind a little tough love so they'll probably survive just fine.
All the best to you fine folks out there!