have just passed the 1 year aniversary of my husbands passing , dont know where it went. hoping now that maybe things will get a little easier .find it hard sometimes reading peoples posts but will do now and again when im in the right frame of mind . take care all you lovely people xx
1 year on: have just passed the 1 year... - PSP Association
1 year on

Hi LindaD,
I'm not sure that reaching any of these milestones makes things any easier but just carry on looking for that light at the end of the tunnel. It can be very hard reading other people's posts as it brings so many things flooding back that are not always easy to think about. That said, just remember everyone on this site knows exactly what you have been through and those of us that have now lost our loved one genuinely feel for those going through the grief stage so there will always be someone here ready to give some support.
Best wishes,
After the first year the pain goes down to about 98% of the time. Ever so slowly it does recede.

thank you
Hi Linda, I always find it’s the anticipation of anniversaries that is the worst. The first year of facing them is hard. I found the second and now the third year, the anticipation is going, but the days creep up on you, without you realising, which is just has painful, but in a strange way, comforting. Life is moving on, i still want Steve in my life, in some shape or form. These painful moments remind me that he is still with me and I welcome that.
Sending big hug and much love
Lots of love
thank you Anne xx
Hello Linda.
I just passed my 2 Nd anniversary without Don. I know what you mean when you say you don’t know where the year went,I think I survived the first year being numb! The second year I have felt more like myself again.I will always cherish those memories of him.
I read the posts here every day and always wish there was more I could do to help someone but it is comforting to know there is an army out there that cares!
thank you, yes its numbness isnt it .have had a hysterectomy and been to the dentist a lot of catching up on things i cauldnt do while Brian was ill.and yes lots of helpers thank you Linda x