My husband though very supportive of me looking after Mum is more of a back room boy, so he will run our house & cook dinner so I can spend time with Mum, fix things for Mum at hers but doesn't spend that much time actually with her on his own. So at Christmas Mum came to ours and he was a star, he has made a ramp so we can get her into the house in the wheelchair, he had padded our big armchair with cushions so it was more comfortable for her to sit in and she couldn't fall sideways. He was very attentive & stayed with her whilst I was busy in the kitchen. Christmas day we had warm spiced Ribena (thickened for Mum) instead of mulled wine as our pre lunch tipple. Unfortunately hubby hadn't picked up quite enough on Mum's recent downward spell and he handed her the feeder mug and didn't check that it was in her mouth properly or she was holding it right, I'm not sure which but needless to say we ended up with a wet sticky Mum, a sticky wheelchair and a purple patch on a cream carpet. We cleared up & the rest of the day went fine. Boxing day Mum came round again and was very clear she wanted sherry as her pre lunch tipple (think she felt cheated with the Ribena). I didn't think alcohol would thicken so made sure I helped her with it and just gave her a very little at a time, all was going well, then I went out the room to check on lunch, came back in and hubby was helping her with her sherry but offering more of a gulp than a sip, still he got his comeuppance as Mum duly sprayed him with sherry as she started to choke! Again the rest of the day went fine and overall we had a tiring but lovely quiet Christmas together and my husband has a much better idea of just how exhausting it is looking after Mum nowadays.
Christmas Lesson: My husband though very... - PSP Association
Christmas Lesson

Good Morning AJK
Your hubby was doing his best & l believe that is what you will remember for years to come. I am proud of him and you too. Keep up the good work.
Sending hugs & lots of carpet cleaner... Granni B
(Just kidding about the carpet cleaner.)

Thanks Grannie B, he is a real star, I am very lucky. With regards the carpet cleaner, I should have bought shares, it comes out most days !!
Oh dear , thanks for that. It is a sign of what there is to come. Happy New Year,,, val
I loved reading this post it made me smile . Your hubby is a star I bet it made your Christmas that he became so involved. Your a star too by the way . Glad your mum got her sherry well most of it 😀I gave mum a very small glass of wine this year not through her usual straw but tiny sips. I wished her happy Christmas and after shed swallowed that first sip she smiled and said very clearly 'Happy Christmas' it made my day. 😊😊
I hope you have many more happy times with your mum and that hubby continues to be involved too.
Lynda x
What a nice read - it sounded very much like our Thanksgiving three years ago (last time mom was able to travel to our home). My husband is still being the quiet support three years on and recently spent 5 hours of his precious holiday vacation time fixing mom’s Hoyer lift at the facility because all services were shutdown for the holiday and it meant she wouldn’t have been able to get out of bed until after the first of the year when repair services start up again.