The 'legal limit' of Social Care - A lette... - PSP Association

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The 'legal limit' of Social Care - A letter to Social Services.

Kevin_1 profile image
13 Replies

Hi folks

Just me doing what I do here.

As most of us know there is a line which defines who has responsibility for care between the Social Services and the NHS. It also defines which of the services should fund the care.

Social Services Care is means tested and NHS care is free at the point of delivery.

One side of the line is where the care is 'social care' and the other is where there are sufficient clinical factors that the NHS should step up, and the Social Services must step down. The line is a little vague, but it is enshrined in law.

The one, and only one, exception is where the care is predominantly social care, but that there are some clinical needs and then Funded Nursing Care might be offered by the NHS at about £156.25 per week. This is to fund lesser clinical needs. In this case the Social Services are responsible for the care.

This is a letter, from an on the ball guy, to Social Services about his mother's case. In it he brings the law and regulations together with some clarity.

I hope it's helpful



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Kevin_1 profile image
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13 Replies
Suebatt profile image

Hi Kevin

You always find good information for us all

Hope Liz and yourself are doing ok

Hugs to both

Sue xx

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Suebatt

Thanks Sue

We are muddling along... if that phrase makes sense in the storm of it all.

I almost responded to your comment on the 'Funding problems - why am I even surprised!' If I ever get stuck in a tight corner I want you there!

It's early days for you... So sending you a big hug too.



Suebatt profile image
Suebatt in reply to Kevin_1

Thanks Kevin

You are doing great keep up what your doing

I thought it would be hard after Archie passed away but I am now fighting my own corner in different ways cause certain people are still idiots

It gives me something to do


Sue xx

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Suebatt

Chuckles- strength to you.

If you run short of idiots just shout... We have plenty for everyone.




NanBabs profile image

Kevin, you`ve come up trumps again ! I wish I`d had access to this 3 months ago but I hope it will help someone now.

I was reading in the press yesterday about all the pen-pushing non-medical management staff in the NHS these days and I was wondering how far their wages would go to funding care for our loved ones without all this CHC stress we have to go through.

Power to you Kevin - keep up the good work. Hope you and Liz are doing OK.


Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to NanBabs

Thanks Nan B

Liz's thinking is getting more cloudy. She is less able to communicate and seems further away. No amount of reading quite prepares me for these sorts of developments.

I'm bringing her home again this afternoon. Her face softens and sometimes there is a smile.

Hope things are going fairly OK at your end.


NanBabs profile image
NanBabs in reply to Kevin_1

The odd smile or moment of lucidity is what keeps us going Kevin, no-one knows what the future holds, so enjoy these moments, however fleeting.


Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to NanBabs

So true - a good day at home today... No smiles, she has slipped a little, but a very relaxed face and I know she is still there as the movie she was watching had a surprise in it and her jaw dropped and her eyes were popping out of her face! So I know she's in there :)

raincitygirl profile image
raincitygirl in reply to Kevin_1

Kevin, I can so relate to your expression that no amount of reading really prepares you for the reality when it comes tho you're house..:-)


jmoffat profile image

hi kevin

i have a vague recollection that this line was tested in a judgement by the high court which was favourable to 'us' but 'they' do not want you to know this

jmoffat profile image

the link below is relevant to the general issue although specifics are about HIV funding

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to jmoffat

Thanks Jim

Good link.



I was going through some old post & just read the gentleman's emails. It reminds of myself trying to find help after my son's motorcycle crash. SO FRUSTRATING!!!

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