Have you got an assessment for Continuing Health Care coming up?
The Gov. website has taken down the outgoing Continuing Health Care Framework and the DST form and guidance. They have replaced it with the new one which has to be adopted by Oct this year. Most Trusts will not be using the new form yet.
You can get the current form here:
Click the three dots ... top right and select 'download', or print it straight from your browser.
The new Nat. Framework and Decision Support tool has to be used from October - Though there may well be some early adopters. Its available here.
Both have clear instructions on how to use it. It is totally not difficult to use... Really.
I cannot emphasise enough... Even reading the DST is a great advantage in the assessment. It gives you the inside track about what is happening.
If you complete one yourself...No matter how poorly, then you have a great prompt list for giving information.
Remember this is an 'evidenced' based assessment. If you don't give evidence. e.g. state a problem with examples, you do not have that scored in your favour.
Put down everything you can think of. Say it as it is at it worst. They will ask you how often and when. It is all about evidence.
Finally, in the assessment, discuss every score at the end of each section and please, contest their views. That is within the guidelines of the Nat. Serv. Framework. The assessor will respect your arguments. If they don't remind them they are not following the Framework which states that it is an open assessment which should encourage your views and participation.
If you disagree with a score and are overruled ask them to record you disagreement and opinion. This really matters when it comes in front of the funding panel or if you appeal.
This is not the NHS as you know it. You really, most often, have to fight to get CHC with most NHS Trusts. It is acceptable to so by their own guidelines.
Wishing you the best