Hi folks
Re-appearing after crash revision of CHC and DST's
Today was one of those sort of warrior carer days.
Our DST was today...
I had set up all of my advice sheets and printed off a DST form yesterday along with reading a big pile of... er, stuff.
0700 - Toileting
0730 - feed the cat and do my morning chores feeling very anxious about this DST thing.
0800 Big pot of tea and toast (home made brown bread) with butter and home made chilli sauce... Yes its a little weird, but this sauce is soo waking in the morning and boot the PC up...
Task: Completing a copy of the DST form referring to advisory notes. So that the scoring becomes a discussion point open to argument based on evidence. This is how it is meant to happen.
0900 - Check Lizzy - She's sleeping
1000 - Check Lizzy - She's drowsy and awake and happy with the cat sleeping on her.
1100 - Cat still on Lizzie - drowsy but awake - Liz sleeping.
1150 - Lizzie's ten minute warning for incoming carers.
1200 - Carers arrive
1215 - Hurrah - finished the DST form.
Make some food for Lizzie
1330 - CHC Nurse arrives. She is open and really nice. We work through the DST for three hours!
1630 - DST complete... Scores are high. Nurse tells me that this was a review not a DST. My jaw hits the floor... Nooo, there is more to come.
She says we should continue to get CHC, but we need a full DST now to cement it for another year. (Funding continues for now) Great
1640 - CCG telephone - The care agency (a really good one) has handed our case back to them - they just do not have the staff... New agency coming in next week. Check their CQC reviews - they score well.
1650 - Hospice Nurse telephones to change an appointment.
1655 - CCG telephone to set up a DST?! They did not know there was a review today? "Oh, so there was". They were very nice and agreed to send the same assessing Nurse. So hopefully scores will remain the same.
A few other things have happened since, but my mind is now on Auto!
Thank god for the big bowl of pasta in the fridge - Lizzie's tea was easy.
Gosh - this beer tastes good - think I will have another.
Happy and waiving - We are on course for continued funding.