I have been going through a strange spell recently, I've suddenly started bursting into tears randomly over the silliest of things when they remind me of things about David. The strangest one was waking up in tears in the middle of the night having dreamed about him. Argh 🙂
Something I have wanted to do for a while is put some pictures together on the wall etc, so having found a suitable frame, I put this together today.
The picture is one of my favourites of David. It is taken of all places in our local IKEA restaurant, but I love it because he is just breaking into his cheeky grin, and we actually met in IKEA! It was taken just over four years ago.
I also wanted to put his D pendant with a picture, we bought each other a chain and D pendant, as we wanted something similar that we could have to think of each other when we still lived in our own houses before we knew what PSP was. We wore them all the time, and David's was only removed on the morning of his cremation and passed to me. I'm still weamring
The card was sent by the funeral place, on the side showing it has David's name and a few words, the reverse has the "All is Well" prose. I decided the name and date side worked better as the writing in the prose is really small.
It's come out just as I wanted it, and is currently sitting on a shelf in the living room and will be put on the wall as soon as the Christmas decorations come down.
I feel really happy having done this, I have wanted to do it since almost straight after he died, but hadn't felt up to it until now. I know it will make me cry initially, but I want memories on the walls, as we never had any pictures of ourselves up before, I guess because we were still together.