cannabis does it help PSP I'm new here - PSP Association

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cannabis does it help PSP I'm new here

bel-green31 profile image
12 Replies

does anyone have experience of cannabis drops to help freezing ? I seem to see it mentioned a lot lately but no real evidence of actual usage wonder how safe it is when taking madopar I am 86 and otherwise in good health but would welcome a life (or what Is left of it ) to be free of freezing & falling

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bel-green31 profile image
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12 Replies
Duffers profile image

Unfortunately we have no experience of cannabis usage for freezing but hopefully someone somewhere may.

All the best. Marie

Karynleitner profile image

We have wondered the same thing. Unfortunately where we live it is illegal and I would want to be sure I had a good safe grade. I'll be anxious to see what you find out. Thanks for your post and good luck to you.


bel-green31 profile image
bel-green31 in reply to Karynleitner

Thanks Karyn I feel the same but am really keen to find out all I can & will keep you posted.

Christine47 profile image

You might find this site helpful as a place to start. I can send you more links to information, if you like. Where are you located? Hemp oil derived CBD is legal here in the US but I gather not as effective as CBD derived from indica plants.

United Patients Group is for patients and medical professionals 'first stop' for Medical Marijuana Treatments and Cannabis Information.

bel-green31 profile image
bel-green31 in reply to Christine47

Thanks a lot I fear I am on the wrong side of the pond to benefit but will certainly contnue my search

Christine47 profile image
Christine47 in reply to bel-green31 Also there is a product in the UK. There is a product by GW Pharmaceuticals called Sativex. It is legal in the UK I believe. You should talk to your neurologist. Hope this helps.


bel-green31 profile image
bel-green31 in reply to Christine47

Thank you so much Christine you have given me a real breakthrough

SuzeHope profile image
SuzeHope in reply to bel-green31

Hi Bel - I've been told by our GP that Savitex is now no longer allowed to be prescribed by UK GP's. I understand from an MS nurse that it was due to cost cutting - as it did not give positive responses to enough people. I believe Neurologists can prescribe it in exceptional circumstances - our neurologist has prescribed it twice, but I think the patient has to pay for the prescription. I am currently also researching obtaining CBD oil/ gel tablets in the UK

Kevin_1 profile image

I too don't know either I'm afraid.

However in my previous professional life I had a lot of dealings with Cannabis.

(Honestly - Its true). Working in North London where it seemed ubiquitous.

The problem in the UK (I'm limiting this to what I know) is that so much of it is adulterated.

Additionally there are super strong hybrid crosses too.

I once interviewed a dealer because he was supplying his father very powerful stuff which was making him mentally ill. It was adulterated with THQ ( a powerful canabinol like chemical made in the lab. I begged him to give his father unadulterated grass (dried leaves). He apologised and said that it was so hard to get now.

So the watch word is be careful of the source.

I am leaving the obvious legality issue to one side.

All the best


rriddle profile image

In the Parkinson's Disease support groups I coordinate, I've never heard of cannabis being used for freezing of gait (FOG). It's used for other things, such as anxiety, appetite, or sleep.

Do any of the Parkinson's meds help you for FOG? Have you tried a metronome, tape on the floor, someone in the room clapping, or other "tricks" along those lines?

bel-green31 profile image

I have tried all the 'tricks ' to no avail but I certainly do not sleep too well and when I am tired my symptons are worse so may be !! who knows

rriddle profile image

Perhaps cannabis would work to aid your sleep?

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