chc driving me nuts: mum qualified for a... - PSP Association

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chc driving me nuts

Margaret2015 profile image
10 Replies

mum qualified for a full assessment in feb and chc received the paperwork on 15th feb, chc requested a social worker to be assigned for this ( as mum has moved counties) on 24th march.. we are still waiting for one to be allocated,, how long should we wait?? I am going round in circles trying to get an answer

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Margaret2015 profile image
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10 Replies
honjen43 profile image

See no-one has replied to you yet!

Keep fighting! Get mad and ring some phone numbers!

Search this site for 'chc' and look for Kevin_1 comments and advice! That seems to be as expert as it gets and helped a lot of folk in the long term!

I am not much help as I live in NZ!

But keep at it! It does not seem to come without a fight, but is necessary!!


Jen xxx

Margaret2015 profile image
Margaret2015 in reply to honjen43

thanks x

Kevin_1 profile image

Hi Margaret

If I understand correctly you are waiting for a social worker to be allocated to complete the social needs part of the assessment before the CCG sends a nurse to complete the full assessment (DST).

If that is correct I would write to the manager of the social services team (just telephone and ask for his name they must give it) and tell him that the delay is putting your Mum and you at risk. Tell him there is a risk of care breaking down and that caring for her without support puts your Mum at risk too. Stress the urgency. Use the words this is a formal complaint.

The manger will need no further prompting. Complaints have to be kept and form part of the inspection by the CQC as is a record of his / her response.

Best of luck.


Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Kevin_1

Adding. Make a list of all of her needs caring, clinical and the care that is provided. Make a list of behaviours and risks. Hand these to the assessor. They will be so grateful. Also ask them to assess whether or not the care falls withing the 'Social Services legal limit'. At a given level of clinical need the social services is legally not allowed to provide care and it defaults to the NHS and CHC.

Hope this helps.

I can give you pointers on how to manage the DST assessment too if you want and when you need it.



Margaret2015 profile image
Margaret2015 in reply to Kevin_1

thankyou, I will look into these things I know I have some information from psp about what the assessors need to account for , so will have this at hand as well

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Kevin_1

The PSP Association is fairly weak on this. Go to NHS Beacon, sign up and download their guidance. They are arms length CHC Advocacy and their advice papers are second to none.

Also you might want to download the DST guidance and form from You gov. This is what the CCG have to abide by. It is helpful to fill out the Score sheet yourself in advance. It is not difficult and there are instructions on how to score.

Then when they are assessing and scoring you are in the position to agree, or disagree each score.

Please do not wander into this with your eyes closed. Many CCGs do not abide by the regulations on this and often folk have to fight their corner. On that I refer you to Care to be different... a very good live site on how to get CHC.

I'm sorry if this is a little full on. So many folk think "NHS" it will be fair and square - it is most definitely not - ref. Care to be different again.

Check out the Beacon doc. and definitely the DST guidance.

Fourth down.

Wishing you the best



Margaret2015 profile image
Margaret2015 in reply to Kevin_1

yes I think that is what I am waiting for,, seems as we moved her from one conty to the next is is getting delayed,,i received a call from fenland social services who again stated that we are waiting for a social worker to be allocated, but that she would pass on mums details to the senior social worker, thankyou for your time x

Hi we had a DST meeting recently and we went ahead with only the assessor. Social services rang me and said they didn't know my Mother and were unable to contribute to the meeting. My Mums specialist nurse was on holiday and no one from the multidisciplinary team could make it as they were too busy.

We have just had the report to look through before it goes to panel and it is very clear that the assessor has made a lot of mistakes, including getting doctors names wrong, dates wrong and overall gradings completely wrong. This includes stating that my Mother is in the early stages of CBD. She cannot walk or talk and she was diagnosed in 2012 and had symptoms years before that. I really don't understand how this is the early stages and who is the assessor to make this assumption?!

The document as it is now is not going to get us CHC. Feeling very disappointed as it has taken a huge effort...Kevin I am going to look at it again tomorrow but I might well get in touch with you if you don't mind!

Wishing you better luck than us..


Margaret2015 profile image
Margaret2015 in reply to

thanks, seems a total nightmare for everyone who applies for this, x

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to


Sorry you did not get it.

Read the stuff at

Please also feel free to private message me. I am ex NHS and though my field was different, I have a fairly decent handle on this.

There are sound appeal routes.



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