My dad was diagnosed 4 years ago with psp. He will be 76 this year. My mom has been his caregiver and both my parents have moved into our home so that my husband and I can help care for him. He slurs most his words, and at around 6ish in the evening, when he is due to take his dementia medicine, he starts repeating one sentence over and over. He was recently Catheterised due to frequent trips every hour and not being able to empty his bladder. I know when he was first diagnosed, and an MRI was done, it showed signs of a minor infarction in the frontal lobe. We don't know how long ago that was. Recently I believe he had a mini stroke, droopy face, drool, and numbness none of which were permanent. I was not there when it happened, going off of what my mom told me. 3 days ago, I went to pick kids up from school and when I returned. Mom was helping dad stand to walk around a bit and I noticed he was leaning to the left a lot and was unable to straighten up even when he sat back in his chair. I asked mom what happened and she said nothing. The next day he seemed to be able to straighten up again but I noticed yesterday and more today that his right eye is extremely blood shot. I'm concerned that he is having mini strokes . Has anyone experienced anything like this?
Thank you in advance for any responses.