Today I get to take J to a nursing home for 2 weeks respite, Its been a long time coming but I do sooo need it. I have bought him some nice stuff to take and some treats and to make you laugh a pair of pants with " My Chick is the Best" on that will give them something to talk about in the laundry room!! Yesterday I took him to the hairdresser so he is set to go. xxx
Today is the day!: Today I get to take J to... - PSP Association
Today is the day!

Make sure you have a lovely rest and don't worry about j he will be fine, sending you a big hug and have a lovely 2 weeks rest 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Hope you have a good rest, J will be well looked after! I'm waiting for the same thing myself but it's a long drawn out process so I've no idea when that will happen ☹️
Do something for yourself and make the most of heavenly free time!
Sending you love....Pat xx
Oh yes we all need a break, it will do both of you good. RELAX
Great news get some "me time" relax, sleep, meet friends, sleep, etc recharge your batteries and don't think about the return home too often.
Enjoy Tim
Hi S goes back into respite on Monday. He is going every two months. I take it this is J's first time. Don't worry, he will be fine. Loads of staff, that aren't on their knees, looking after him. No doubt he will be a bit scared, but only "new school" feeling!
You, make sure you do get out. Are you going away? Hope so. I'm off to Devon for a few days with my sister, we were going abroad, but with S going into hospital recently, decided to stay close. Do NOT waste any time feeling guilty. Spend it sleeping and having fun.
Someone has said on this site, our loved ones agreeing to go into respite, is their gift to us. You wouldn't throw a present away, don't put this wonderful gift of time in the normal world in the trash bin!!!
Lots of love
Enjoy your 2 weeks catching up on sleep to recharge the batteries and then have fun enjoying things that make you happy. Nanny857 xx
It is just so reassuring to read your comments - I am just thinking of taking my son (17) on a holiday without my husband to give us both a break. But I am torn with guilt because I know Paul would like to come with us - but all the lifting my son has to do if we are away from home and don't have hoists is so difficult. I just feel horribly guilty to even contemplate leaving Paul, because if you ask him he says "don't go" so it is so nice to read all your thoughts.
Sharon, you should definitely go! I was thinking of doing the same thing with my college age son this summer. I have been neglecting him so and though he does not live at home this ha affected him very much. Just to have some quality time and laughs. Wouldn't matter what we do or where we go just that we do and you should to. You both will be happier and recharged when you return and that will be good for Paul.
Good luck!
Enjoy the space and you will return feeling so much better.
Its essential to get some sleep. Recharge your batteries.
love, Jean x