Hi, my mum has deteriorated very quickly over the last few weeks, she had a uti that didn't respond to the first lot of antibiotics but the second lot have made a slight difference. She can no longer do anything for herself and has to be hoisted to be moved. I had to fight to have her food puréed but that is now being done. The nursing home also asked me to confirm that she did not want to be resuscitated if her heart stopped. Today the nurse told me that the dr had been and said that her blood tests show she is now in renal failure, he will repeat blood test in 2 weeks. She's very tired now and speech is also deteriorating, she no longer watches the tv which she has always loved. I feel she cannot see very well either. It's her 80th birthday today and we've all been to see her, my kids have in their own way said goodbye as they struggle to see their beloved nan like she is. I hate this disease with a passion, and as much as I do not want my mum to die, I pray that she can go peacefully.
Julie xx