Sudden deterioration or illness: Hi everyone... - PSP Association

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Sudden deterioration or illness

Sarah1972 profile image
20 Replies

Hi everyone, not been around for a while but wanted to ask a question.

Mum had fall this morning and bumped her head. She seemed fine originally but half hour later she was almost unconscious. Now in A&E had brain scan, blood test, poss stroke but ruled out. Symptoms presented are extreme lethargy, very slow quiet voice, little strength. Could this be another progression x

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Sarah1972 profile image
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20 Replies
Kevin_1 profile image

Hi Sarah,

It is possible that she has had a step down or an infection?

If the medics can't find anything it's probably wait and see game.

Do make sure that you have the wherewithal to care for her at home before they discharge her.

A&E visits are horrid.

I wish you both the best.



Sarah1972 profile image
Sarah1972 in reply to Kevin_1

Thank you Kevin. As helpful as always xx

Sarah1972 profile image
Sarah1972 in reply to Kevin_1

Definitely wait and see Kevin. Mum started to slowly pick up but then downhill again last night. They have put her on oxygen as her levels dropped which could be the reason for her disoriented state last night but then perhaps an infection. She has no temperature and chest is sounding clear which points to no infection. Hospital staff have been really good and allowed me to stay with mum. We’re due for a CHC review on Thursday so hopefully can get more help in place for her. How’s your wife getting on now? Since been back at work I’ve had very little time to come on here so am a couple of months behind. Hope your well xx

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Sarah1972

Hi Sarah

I do hope things pick up. PSP is so good at giving us unpleasant surprises.

Liz is going downhill. She is very tired a lot of the time and communications are getting very difficult sometimes now. I had her home for the afternoon yesterday and we watched a film and the had some treats. S good day.)

I do hope your Mum picks up a bit.



Sarah1972 profile image
Sarah1972 in reply to Kevin_1

So sad isn’t it Kevin. Do your best to keep going. Thinking of you xx

Motts profile image
Motts in reply to Kevin_1

Good Morning Kevin - I just figured out how to do LIKES . . . but also want to add that I am glad you had a good visit with Liz. I can only imagine that it is getting harder . . .

There came a time I just could not take mom out and about - that was a sad day of realization of what was best for both of us.

At one point mom fell on top of me and my head hit the curb - my hubby has a great warped sense of humor and he walked around the vehicle and looked at us crumpled on the ground and said, "I just can't take you girls anywhere." We all laughed - I love that man. He helped us up and we were on our way again. . .

Sending Hugs - Granni B

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Motts

What a lovely story - thanks for the smile :)

Yes, all we can do is keep makng the best of it.


Hugs back from us both


Christine47 profile image

When my husband fell twice in 2015, first one had a preliminary diagnosis of a TIA, though it probably was a subdural hematoma. There was never a bruise or blood. I did ice it. These can often resolve themselves, so we waited to see if he would get better. He did. But the second fall a month later also resulted in another subdural hematoma. We even went to a holiday party and it wasn't until the next morning he showed any symtoms, again like a TIA. Back to the ER. After a few days in the hospital, it was concluded he needed burr hole surgery. I pray for you and your mother that she will return to her "normal."

Kevin_1 profile image
Kevin_1 in reply to Christine47


That sounds like a nightmare.

I am often surprised with what carers go through here and survive whilst managing it all.

That takes the biscuit.

It must have taken such a steady will to get through that one.



Sarah1972 profile image
Sarah1972 in reply to Christine47

Thank you Christine XX

Tippyleaf profile image

Dear Sarah

We have not yet had this experience - I have no pearls of wisdom!!

But I think Kevin has a really good point - do make sure CCG put in extra support at home if this is a PSP progression

Sending lots of love and a big hug, take care



Sarah1972 profile image
Sarah1972 in reply to Tippyleaf

Thanks Tippy, we are due a review on Thursday so will ask to up from 5 nights to 7 as she needs someone there constant through the night. Hopefully it will go ok but the care home have told me that they have had two clients funding stopped. The hospital have been really good and letting me stay the night with her xx

aliciamq profile image

My husband always slows down a bit for a few days after a good fall. He withdraws and has more trouble walking. It takes him a few days. He is the same after a family event or a big trip to the grocery store~

AJK2001 profile image

I have found with my Mum that if she has a bad fall it shakes her up and she is quite subdued for a couple of days & then gradually comes back to "normal". If we have to go to A&E she will retreat into herself, I think it's the scariness & unfamiliarity of hospital along with intense tiredness as they do their tests & keep you hanging around for hours. Bad enough if you are OK. Always takes a few days to get over - for both of us !!

Fingers crossed she gets back to her "normal" soon and also for the funding - stress you can well do without. Take care. xxxx

Sarah1972 profile image
Sarah1972 in reply to AJK2001

Thank you. I agree mum often goes down hill after a traumatic event and then will pick up slightly. They are keeping her in for a couple of days to monitor so hopefully can get some more help. My concern is that CHC will say it’s cheaper to go residential and we are nowhere near ready for that xx

Tunupup profile image

So sad for you to see. My twin sister had alot of falls but was then too scared to walk. Probably in shock xxx

Beads0122 profile image


Unfortunately everyday sees further progression of this terrible disease. I always tried to find a correlation with accidents, infection, etc, and further decline of cognitive, vocal , and balance, but there never seemed to be any. The further decline just appeared to be the rapid progression of the disease.

None of us really knows how long we will be here, especially our loved ones with PSP/CBD. We need to cherish each day that w have with them.

Your mum is blessed to have a daughter like you,


Sarah1972 profile image
Sarah1972 in reply to Beads0122

Thank you Bobby for your kind words xx

grafixapn profile image

It's important anytime some3falls and hits their head that they get a CT scan. A bleed in the brain can cause death.


Sarah1972 profile image
Sarah1972 in reply to grafixapn

That has been done Andy and all clear. Thank you x

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