My husband had been followed for a couple of years following migraine headaches by a neurologist. In 2009 that neurologist turned him over to his partner who was the disorder specialist - so all the time he really had from first symptoms to death was approximately 5 to 6 years. But from the time of his diagnosis of CBD to death it was only 3 years. Why so little time?
My husband was diagnosed with CBD in 2011.... - PSP Association
My husband was diagnosed with CBD in 2011. He died 4/8/14. His first true symptoms were Gran Mal Seizures 12/31/09. Why so little time?

These diseases are unpredictable patient to patient. Some die from falls others aspiration pneumonia. Some live as long as 11 years others short time. I personally measure from first symptoms not diagnosis. My wife started with balance issues. Year later diagnosis Parkinson's then finally PSP. These diseases, as I've said many times, are not a one-size-fits-all. Sorry for your loss. These are awful, awful diseases. They take, take, take, from patient and caregiver and family.
Hi dragonladynaps, I was told about 7/10 years was the likely time between diagnosis and death and was planning on that basis. My wife had only two years. It all depends, I guess, how early in the disease the diagnosis is made. Unfortunately there is no definitive test to identify CBD/PSP in the living. Many of the earlier symptoms could have a variety of causes, added to which many GP's have no knowledge of CBD/PSP and are not therefore looking for it. It may be an explanation but it's no consolation when you lose your loved one long before you are prepared for it. I hope you have lots of support from friends and family, my kindest regards, Jerry.
Thinking of you in my prayers xx
thank you all for your replies. It makes me feel better to know I am not alone.