I can't distract him from doing it and as nearly all his teeth have crowns and I am worried that he will destroy them all.
My dad has started grinding of his teeth r... - PSP Association
My dad has started grinding of his teeth really hard while he is awake - does anyone have experience of this and any way of stopping it?

Dear MoragR,
I had a friends mother who used to the same thing (she was diagnosed the Alzheimer's) and the nursing staff used to give her the tiniest piece of chewing gum possible and she used to chew on it for hours instead (and I daresay swallow it!).
Alana - Western Australia
My family have many teeth grinders. We all use mouthpieces at night. Don't know if this could work for a PSP patient - but it might. Some are large enough that swallowing the device would not be a problem.
The chewing gum idea sounds good-Mum developed a few strange habits like rolling her thumbs together and obsessing over her clothes. None of it lasts long but we found distraction the best thing.
Dear MoragR,
I'm also part of the Parkinson's Association through Health Unlocked (mainly because of medications my husband is on). Anyway noticed someone is asked similar question to you - so may be worth looking at responses to follow ...
Alana - Western Australia