Medical Update on PSP. : The point he makes... - PSP Association

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Medical Update on PSP.

20 Replies

The point he makes near the end of this video but does not enlighten us with is this: @ 37:02

'There is probably a Non-genetic component for most Neurodegenerative Disorders.

- Toxin


- Education

I have had this thought about toxins and trauma for the longest time because of what happened to my in law.

This re-enforces my belief further.

20 Replies

Hi vjessv

Did you read my post and the replies about 10 days ago "Cause of PSP: reflections" ? I mentioned toxins and head trauma.

Both have connections to PSP/CBD (and other similar neurological conditions). Although the resulting tauopathy and the symptoms (from either trauma or specific known toxins) are very similar, they are not identical to the classical PSP/CBD we see for many sufferers on this forum. The connection with head trauma is normally described as repetitive trauma that causes many concussions and sub concussions.

Most people with PSP/CBD never have head/neck trauma or come into contact with the known toxins associated with a form of PSP. However, the search goes on (minimally) for other toxins.

My original post was intended to make us reflect on the probability that PSP has been around for thousands of years (like Parkinson's for example), and many of the factors now attributed to environmental causes were not around in the distant past. Additionally, whatever causes PSP/CBD would also be "candidates" in the other dozen or so neurological tauopathies (even Alzheimer's).

All the best, and thanks for highlighting your beliefs in these matters. It's so important to explore the causes (from every angle) for these debilitating neurological conditions.

All the best

in reply to

Hello Strelley,

I believe the head/neck trauma doesn't even have to be a major one and it could have happened many years previously ( the type of trauma you might not even remember ) just the type that does enough to disrupt the nervous system, meaning just like all neurological diseases there is a slow buildup to this disease.

Are the toxins right under our nose?


dorothy-thompson profile image

Hi vjessv

Interesting video, I could not connect any of the possible causes of PSP with my husband though but the thought of individualised and personal medicine to cure diseases is fascinating.

Is any one taking CO q10 by the way and if so, how much and are the signs good?


Dorothy T

shasha profile image
shasha in reply to dorothy-thompson



BandT profile image
BandT in reply to shasha

Hi Shasha

I have read a lot about CoQ10 and wonder whether it works. If you could post on here about your experience, that'd be great! I really hope that you have a benefit from it.

B x

shasha profile image
shasha in reply to BandT


MaddyS profile image
MaddyS in reply to shasha

hi Shasha - how much Q10 do you take per day?

There is something i believe that would be even better than CoQ10,

Alpha-Lipoic Acid (R-ALA) & Acetyl-L-Carnitine.

The Key Aspects of R-ALA

Include, but are not limited to...

Reduction of free radical damage

Preservation of cell function

Increases natural chemicals in the body that normally decline with age

Enhances the action of other antioxidants such as Vitamins C & E

Helps to improve memory & brain function

Effective at removing heavy metals

Improves Its role in helping Mitochondrial function

Improves the immune system

Improves glucose utilisation (extremely helpful for diabetics and those with insulin resistance)

Possible anti-inflammatory properties.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine is recognised for its anti-aging and energy giving properties.

ALA’s protective effects extend to virtually every cell in every organ and tissue. These characteristics enable ALA to easily cross the blood brain barrier and increase brain energy. ALA has been shown in studies to improve long-term memory in laboratory animals, probably by preventing free radical damage to cell membranes. Additional studies on ALA show it to have a Neuro-protective role against various toxic chemicals.

These two natural supplements when combined will help detox the brain of heavy metals,

I have used these two together for the brain fog i suffered with for ten years.

These two supplements have no side effects.

Acetyl L Carnitine - In Depth

The human brain is uniquely powerful and complex, but it is difficult for it to fully recover from damage. People affected by stroke, traumatic brain damage or age-associated dementia know this too well. Research studies suggest that the vitamin-like nutrient L-carnitine may be able to slow down, or even reverse, brain deterioration in addition to giving people the ability to think clearer and have improved memory.

Studies suggest that acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) may delay the onset of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Furthermore, if you've already been diagnosed with either, ALC can help slow down its progression and improve your mental functioning. Experimental and clinical studies demonstrate that ALC may have a......

"significant capacity to slow, and even reverse, the effects of aging on the brain"

Dr. Russell L. Blaylock in Health and Nutrition Secrets.

zuzanka2 profile image
zuzanka2 in reply to

Hello Vjessv! thanks for all this information! can you please tell me where and how to get this ? we have been using the CoQ10 for about 9months and cant say that helped a lot but probably kept my dad going in better shape for a while. thanks you and warm regards.

in reply to zuzanka2

Hello zuzanka2

If you talking about Alpha-Lipoic Acid (R-ALA) & Acetyl-L-Carnitine.

In the USA iherb or vitacost,

In Europe there's regenerative .

Their website is one of the best of its kind in my opinion or of course

The most important thing to remember with Alpha Lipoic Acid is to make sure you get

the R - Alpha-Lipoic Acid (R-ALA) instead of the standard Alpha Lipoic Acid.

These are non - toxic so there are no side effects taking them.

Also i've just read this....

PrimaVie® shilajit has been shown to double levels of CoQ10 in mitochondria.Combining CoQ10 and shilajit produced a 56% increase in energy production in the brain—40% better than CoQ10 alone. And in muscle, there was a 144% increase in energy production—27% better than CoQ10 alone.

Shilajit boosts CoQ10’s beneficial effects by stabilizing CoQ10 in the superior ubiquinol form. Additionally, shilajit facilitates more efficient delivery of CoQ10 into the mitochondria, which results in greater cellular energy production.

Shilajit itself is rich in essential compounds that help the mitochondria convert fats and sugars into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the body’s main source of energy.

zuzanka2 profile image
zuzanka2 in reply to

thank you again!R - Alpha-Lipoic Acid (R-ALA) should be taken by itself or with something else? CoQ10 is very expensive therefore we have stopped using it, but if is gong to work better with the Shilajit the maybe we should start all over again.... Regards

in reply to zuzanka2

(R-ALA) And Acetyl-L-Carnitine.

Together they work to detox and protect the brain from toxins and inflammation.


zuzanka2 profile image
zuzanka2 in reply to

you mean together with CoQ10?

in reply to zuzanka2

R - Alpha-Lipoic Acid And Acetyl-L-Carnitine.

CoQ10 could be taken with Shilajit to enhance its absorbability.

Sorry i hope that is a bit clearer.

in reply to zuzanka2

Healthmonthly in Jersey are one of the cheapest in Europe for supplements.

zuzanka2 profile image
zuzanka2 in reply to

many thanks !:-) i will have a look.

It Improves Mitochondrial function.

in reply to

Also there's this

Tiana1 profile image

My brother was diagnosed in early 2015 with PSP there had been things going on 5 years prior, he now is in a wheel chair every symptom you can get with PSP he has , can't hardly walk.I do not think this disease has anything to do with head trauma, maybe toxins, like maybe agent orange he was there when they were spraying it. It really boils down to a guessing game.First hand it is a disease YOU DON'T Want.

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