Just had the Dr out to hubby hes got another urine infection he's only been home from hospital for 3 weeks from a urine sepsis,more antibiotics again! My worry is how many infections can he keep fighting off and what if the antibiotics dnt work,oh how I hate this !
Yet another urine infection: Just had the Dr... - PSP Association
Yet another urine infection

Dear Shep
So sorry for what is happening to your husband. Please don't think this an insensitive question, but why does your husband have so many infections, how does he get them, I ask because , so far my husband has kept clear of them, is he lucky?
Take care and regards
Dorothy T
I dnt no is all I can say he's had pneumonia aswell,I can understand the urine sepsis because he had to have a catherter in for a while but they took it out to try and stop infections,but now another,I asked the Dr how and why he just said its part of the condition and because he's not active at all he's in a wheelchair now,he is progressing very quickly,sadly x
This is all so unfair!
My husband had prostate surgery before the PSP caught a hold on him, this was about three years ago, a catheter is a nightmare, poor man.
My husband is not very mobile also, bed or the wheelchair and so we struggle on.x
Dorothy t
Please know that we are thinking of you and you husband .
So sorry you are going through this, I do hope you have some family support.
Try to take care of yourself and do not take I do not know for a answer or have someone to help you get the right answer .
Take care
Dee in BC
My husband has also had a few UTI's. he would get so weak, and would start copying everything I said, which wasn't normal for him.
The kidney Dr. said he could also be getting them because he has hardly any muscle control and has a hard time emptying his bladder completely.He also uses a condom catheter and adult undergarments ( diapers).
I have now started giving him some strong cranberry pills (1500 mg) once a day and will see if that helps.
The Drs. We're only giving him antibiotics for 3 days and within 2 weeks he would have another UTI. So his kidney Dr. Gave him a prescription for 10 days this time....so far so good.
I hope your husband gets relief from the UTI's.
My mother has PSP and has had numerous, too many to count, UTI's... she has been on every antibiotic known and is now on a low dose daily antib along with a cranberry pill. The combo seems to be warding off UTI's as of now. I've also noticed a difference with her actually sitting on the pot to pee verses just going in her depends... maybe the muscle control is better while laying down and she has more success at emptying her bladder completely? Maybe just a coincidence too.
I can relate. Wife just had bladder infection but thankfully I hope the meds worked I agree, this PSP is the worst of the worst on patient and caregiver. We feel your pain. Big HUG your way.
My husband has had repeated U T I s which brought him down big time but since he has been taking a low dose of trymethaprim every night he has been clear fingers crossed!!!!

Thanks Joey the Dr agreed yesterday to start that at night so I hope this helps my hubby too xx