Pre-cum ...?: I'm post RP but have a... - Prostate Cancer A...

Prostate Cancer And Gay Men

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Pre-cum ...?

wizuk666 profile image
14 Replies

I'm post RP but have a question please. When I currently get excited and sexually aroused, I have lot of pre-cum and also dont need much lube when masturbating due to loads of pre .... Question is, will this be the same after I've had the RP op?

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wizuk666 profile image
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14 Replies
willp4real profile image

Hello wiz,

Once you’ve had RP, your life will change drastically! You might at best experience a dry climax. You will not be able to ejaculate. If the surgeon is able to spare the nerves, you might be able to have an erection. 50/50 chance. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I had RP in 2011 and I’ve suffered with ED ever since. You may also experience incontinence . Many men do. That gets better for many men. But not for some. I urge you to prepare yourself psychologically for a drastic quality of life change. There are some men that have come through on the other side with a measure of sexual pleasure still existing. But, for most, life has changed forever. If you have a loyal and supportive partner, that’s awesome. If your single, prepare yourself for the reality that gay men get turned off when they find out you have ED or if you cannot ejaculate sperm. They run 🏃 for the hills! Now, this may sound negative. But, it’s the truth. RP has different outcomes for different people. Some can have an erection, many cannot. Some men recover without incontinence issues, many do not. The one thing we all have in common is no sperm. It sucks! If you currently have a lot of pre-cum, God bless you! I envy you!

Enjoy it while you can! The good news is being hopefully cancer free! Do your homework, read, ask many questions and remember, surgeons tend to recommend surgery cuz that’s what they do! Consider all options and get second and third opinions! This is a great group to ask questions and get feedback from what many other men have experienced! If it’s not urgent, take your time to really understand your decision and completely prepare yourself for the multitude of possible outcomes, therapies and exercises so you can recover and have the best possible outcomes in the short and long term journey of your recovery!

wizuk666 profile image
wizuk666 in reply to willp4real

wow, thanks for being open and honest ... mind is well and truly in overload now.

dean1966 profile image
dean1966 in reply to willp4real

Thank you for posting an honest and detailed response. I've just received the diagnosis a few days ago and I'm still in shock and pissed off. Cancer was found in all 12 biopsies. Gleason is 7. RP is recommended after screenings to be sure the cancer hasn't spread to lymph and bone. I learned a lot from the information you provided. Wishing you well on your journey! Thank you!

willp4real profile image
willp4real in reply to dean1966

Dean, feel free to keep me informed on how things are going. I may not have answers, but it might help communicating with someone who has been on the journey, who understands the frustrations that are down the road, the fear, the anger, the emotions and even the sense of loneliness.

dean1966 profile image
dean1966 in reply to willp4real

Thank you for your support, willp4real. I'll keep you posted. In the meanwhile, wishing you the best!

Leeaussie5 profile image

I had RP last August. I was very lucky with no real ED or incontinence.

Inside your urethra there are glands (Cowper glands). These make some of the Precum. The mucous like material the glands make is supposed to protect the semen from the acidity of urine. After RP there is no more semen. But when your aroused the Cowper glands still make the mucous like secretion. So you can have some precum.

Sometimes I make so much, it spurts on orgasm. Just a tiny drop or two.

I count myself as being very fortunate.

Good luck. Best wishes

LoganMA profile image

your original post is misleading. Says you are post RP and then near the end will you be the same after RP. I'm confused. There is almost always time to take your time to make a rational decision. There are many ways to do something about prostate cancer. I truly suggest learning as much as you can and taking your time to make a decision. A surgeon will always recommend surgery, a radiation oncologist radiation, etc. It depends where you are in your journey, your Gleason scores, etc. More info would help.

wizuk666 profile image

Sorry for the misleading info... I was in shock mode ... I meant to say I am Pre RP

LoganMA profile image

Can you be more specific about where you are at? Gleason scores, options, etc. Age, etc.

MarkBarnes profile image

I have to say that post-RP is challenging, and somewhat life changing, ....significant (and unwanted) changes, but I wouldn't say drastic.

You should be sure to see a sexual health urologist. Not all doctors/surgeons will refer you to someone. Mine did, and I saw him twice before surgery and then every 2 months starting 1 month after surgery. It was a combination of kegels for urinary issues, and then sexual health.

Not ejaculating is of concern; however 1 year out I have been having more frequent and satisfying orgasms...I would say on average they are about 60% of what I was used to, and about 5 times 'almost' as satisfying as pre surgery. The sexual specialist, sometimes referred to (you can laugh, I did the first 80 times I talked about this) as a penile rehabilitation special, basically put me on viagra/cialis (genenics now cost under $1 per pill) and also trimix. It is important to start this regime prior to surgery and then after. I still do both at 14 months. Progress is slow but steady. Injections sound awful but are not.

I had a fairly good attitude based on 1 man's advise (I'm not sure where I saw his story...this site, maybe in 1 of the 4 books I read on PC). He said that he viewed his treatment and recovery as a challenge that he was gonna meet head on with a positive attitude. He said he planned for the catheter, tried on various incontinence products prior to surgery so he had something comfortable.

Personally, I joined a nice, upscale gym and got a trainer (costs a fortune). I lost 8 pounds prior to surgery, began healthy eating and built some muscle. I resumed at the gym 3 weeks after surgery, am now down 22 pounds total. Everyone I see tells me how great I look...relaxed, healthy, more muscular. I was prediabetic before (A1c of 6.1) and now in normal range of 5.5. This guys positive advise really helped shape my whole approach.

Don't get me know, it still sucks to some degree. I decided on surgery (I was 59) because you take the hit up front but have the best chance of a better recovery (assuming they think they can spare nerves). Radiation has the least impact upfront but functioning continues to decline and I believe, doesn't recover. But outcomes are all over the board and nothing is typical. I have a colleague who said he was back to a satisfying sex life 4 months after surgery (without pills or injections) and he says sex is as good as before. Of course he is in the minority. I would put my recovery at about the 30th percentile.

Best of luck. Read read and read some more. And spend a lot of time on this site. And see a specialized urologist.

dean1966 profile image
dean1966 in reply to MarkBarnes

Thank you for posting an honest and detailed response. I've just received the diagnosis a few days ago and I'm still in shock and pissed off. Cancer was found in all 12 biopsies. Gleason is 7. RP is recommended after screenings to be sure the cancer hasn't spread to lymph and bone. I learned a lot from the information you provided. And I'm inspired to make some life changes. Wishing you well on your journey! Thank you!

willp4real profile image
willp4real in reply to MarkBarnes

Hello MarkBarnes, that was a great response! I was not as wise or prepared as you. I was overwhelmed and fearful. I didn’t have any support or guidance prior to RP, not even advice pre/post surgery from my surgeon. So, my outcome was not as good as some other men. Nevertheless, that’s why I joined and continue to follow and share in this community. For someone newly diagnosed, our collective experiences could be helpful and make a difference in their outcome. That’s why I appreciated your response. My RP was in 2011 and I was 52 at the time. My situation is what it is and although I’m still frustrated, I’ve learned to accept it. Thanks for sharing and to anyone who may read this post, be safe during these crazy Covid-19 times we’re living!

MarkBarnes profile image


Pierre71 profile image

I understand you to have questions, it is not easy to have the prostate removed with all the effects that it can have. To answer your question, the pre-cum is produced by two small glands called cowper which are located at the base of the penis. Normally during a RP, they are not removed. I produced a certain amount of this liquid and after the surgery I produced as much. As you surely know, after the RP you will no longer ejaculate semen, that's the big difference and I'm not getting used to it yet lol. In my case, I only feel the rhythmic muscular contractions and at this moment it happens that I have this precum which flows a little. If you have more questions don't hesitate :)

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