It is approaching 4am and I am in the shower again trying to relieve the discomfort of my skin and penis four days after the catheter was pulled. I’ve had only one full night of sleep. My skin feels raw. I keep leaking although the Dr confirmed (for himself at least) that I had good control. I change the Depends often. What have others done to relieve this?
Leaking and discomfort after catheter - Prostate Cancer A...
Leaking and discomfort after catheter

I've had several catheters while on ADT due to bladder matter collecting in my lower bladder. I was OK to get away from urinating all the time, but when it was pulled out the pain was inside of my penis. This went away after two weeks or so. I did Kegel exercises and that helped my bladder control, but it still goes away for about 3 months and then starts up again. I also use Depends underwear 2 or 3 a day. I also have kidney disease and have to drink 1/2 gallon of water daily. I have to learn to train my mind to get to a bathroom as soon as I have the urge and not wait. My urologist gave me a prescription for Myrbetriq that is a medicine to help hold your urine. All I can suggest it that you just keep truckin'.
Thanks. I tell myself to keep going. One day at a time.
Did they tell you that seminal fluid leaks out of the catheter all the time? I tied a small piece of cloth about 5 inches down on the catheter to catch the stuff. it also smells after about 3 days unless you shower. You see the catheter goes into the bladder but the seminal fluids come in around the base of your dick outside the bladder.
I take it the catheter was in connection with an RP? If so, you are very early on and you are almost certain to begin to improve soon. Temporary pain meds help? I had various pains for a couple months after my RP, but they finally cleared up. The incontinence was longer term. Patience and good communication with your doctor are two great assets. Good luck!
It takes time and we all heal at different speeds. It slowly improved for me and I had the added trauma of my catheter getting stuck on removal. Suffice to say I was sore for 2 weeks before things began to improve albeit slowly. The incontinence took a long time to settle too. Kegels are a must and my consultant suggested interrupting pee flow when passing water. Then suddenly after about 2 months I was out and having a long awaited beer and felt as if that part of my body was back under my control. Needless to say the beer made me pee my pad...........and still does, but I felt a lot better about it. As you say it is all about 1 day at a time. You will have setbacks, I know I have but it will get better. All the best - Brian.
Sounds like you are a normal path. It just takes time for your body to adjust. I think the first was the worst and it gradually got better. I was off work a month, but when I came back I was still having some leakage. I hope you bought the depend shields and not the total package. They are much easier to change out. Give yourself a break and know you will come through it and it gets better each day. Thoughts are with you.
It not going to slow down until a week after removal. Start doing the kegel exercises 3 times a day. After one week it will get better. You must clean up every time you change and use powder to keep dry. Coca butter lotions can help with any chaffing. Be patient, it will get better.
Yes, change your Depend Shield 5-6 times a day to keep dry and avoid chafing and diaper rash. Use a pull-ups and a bed pad at night.
I used Bacitracin on the 1 inch of the catheter that slips in and out. I figured out how to keep it lubed by putting a pea size blob on a bandaid and wrapping it back up to stick onto my penis head. The slippage causes the irritation and urethra to get raw.
You may need to use vaseline if the Bactracin burns your now raw tip.
Key point: demand a Physical Therapy referal for "incontinence evaluation and treatment ". That is done with biofeedback; electric sensors are placed on your perineum and you train your mind to close and hold the pelvic floor muscle left that will get your continence back. (This muscle is the one that you use to control when you pass gas. Later on you will re-learn to hold your bladder and still pass gas without leaking).
My urologist balked and made me wait for 2 more weeks after catheter came out.
"Kegles" are nothing like anyone can tell you. You need a PT person and about 6-8 sessions. Your primary sphincter (your Kegles has been cut out and you are training the secondary muscles in your pelvic floor to do the job now.
Also ask PT for the list of foods and beverages that cause bladder irritation. Cut those out of your diet for a week the add back one a day to see what triggers your "need to pee now". Surprisingly it takes less that a minute from swollowing to experience the urge.
My diet was back to all the irritants with full control at 10-12 months out.
The hard part for me was learning to pee 5-6 times daily to keep my urine clear. Concentrated urine is an irritant too.
Don't despair. In 4-6 weeks post catheter you will be mostly, 90-100%, better.
I did use pads and pull-ups/bed pads for 2 months before I felt I could trust myself away from a bathroom and to not wet my bed.
Press on. I now sleep through the night, one bathroom visit now and then.
As for anyone else dealing with this, PT still works even years after. Just have to work a little harder and go back for a refresher periodically.
You now know more than most Urologists about incontinence.
Tons of pelvic floor exercises. Generous amounts of A&D ointment or Desitin to protect the skin with a barrier. Have you considered a pad instead of diaper during the day? It allows more air to thr skin. The first week after cath was hideous and I was really dejected. Got better after that.
Sorry you are having this issues. I had a catheter for 10 days after a RP and I used Neosporin with Pain Relief. I had pain while the catheter was in and after it was removed, the Neosporin was a big help.