I had my Robotic Prostatectomy 20 months ago at age 54 and everything went really well. Good post surgery pathology (no positive margins or extracapular extension). I didn't need pads about 5 months after surgery. I of course experienced stress incontinence after but at 1 year it was virtually non-existent (or at least to a point I didn't notice). Recently I could swear I have much more noticeable stress incontinence doing certain activities (mainly things I have to bend over to a large degree while standing or sitting or squat down. It's not a ton of leakage but definitely seems worse than it was say 3 months ago. My health seems the same except in the past 6 months I've been exercising less frequently and temporarily stopped doing weight lifting as I had too busy of a schedule (and admittedly gotten a bit lazy.)
I'm wondering if anyone else experienced what seems to be sort of a stress incontinence 'rebound' and if it's fairly normal and transient, or if it could be an early sign of other issues? My PSA is 0.02.
My best guess is that physical shape has a direct impact on incontinence post-surgery and it mainly because I'm not as in as good of shape as I was when my continence was better?