I went for my 6 month PSA check today. This is my 3rd check since IMRT was completed in May 2023.
Prior to IMRT, I was at 4.31. The next 3 results were 2.12; 1.12 and today's 1.15. So I know its gone up 0.03 this time. I'm aware there are bumps along the way as explained by my medical team and it takes awhile to reach the nadir. It's only been 15 months. My NP-C knows I am a bit anxious. 7 years on AS should have prepped me for this as my PSA has always bounced up and down. If I were still on AS, I wouldn't even give a 0.03 increase a thought. Missing her call, she left a message stating that it's stable. She's ok with it. She's happy it didn't significantly jump. It's stable and this happens. We will recheck in 6 months. I knew all of this but I guess you always want it to drop some more in the post treatment world.