PSA nadir: How long after VMAT-RT 3Gy X... - Prostate Cancer N...

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PSA nadir

doc1947g profile image
41 Replies

How long after VMAT-RT 3Gy X 20Fx (June 2020) and Lupron Depot/6 months (End Nov 16th 2020) does it take to reach my PSA nadir?

My PSA went from 13.6 pre-Rx to 0.03 post-Rx.

I am not sure if that 0.03 is my nadir or simply the result of my ADT. It cannot be the result of my RT, too early for a result.

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doc1947g profile image
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41 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

ADT. And it is your nadir. Nadir just means lowest value.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply toTall_Allen

Yes but when the ADT stop working in lets say 6 months from now, my PSA should start to climb to the post-VMAT-RT level, no?

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply todoc1947g

Revisit it when and if that happens. For now, that's a great result. Take the win.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply toTall_Allen

I know everybody react differently but some peoples with only EBRT get their nadir around 2.5

fldrifters1 profile image
fldrifters1 in reply todoc1947g

I had 81 Gys and 6 months lupron ......been 4 years now...started at .7 and now at .4 PSA...yes for me about 3 years now at .4 ......hoping it stays there or goes lower ......good luck ...Peace

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply tofldrifters1

Thanks.But PSA 0.03 is usualy for Post-RP no EBRT.

With your Lupron you did not go lower than 0.4?

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply toTall_Allen

My PSA went from 0.03 to 0.01,So 0.01 should be my new nadir.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply todoc1947g


doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply toTall_Allen

What happen if my PSA goes down to 0.00?

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply todoc1947g

Her in Quebec, they test you for PSA every 3 months, then every 6 months.We can not be tested every 2 weeks.

It is the same approach after treatments.

* APS μg/L =

Pré-Hormonothérapie = 4.23 (2001/07/18), 2.2 (2002/07/23), 1.8 (2006/07/04), 2.2 (2008/09/22), 2.4 (2009/05/20), 2.05 (2011/08/26), 2.25 (2012/08/13), 2.05 (2013/08/06), 2.77 (2014/07/28), 3.84 (2015/07/06), 1.97 (2016/06/30), 3.89 (2017/06/13), 6.8 (2019/09/10), 11.7 (2019/10/28), 13.7 (2020/01/08), 16.7 (2020/03/02), 20.4 (2020/04/06),

Per-Hormonothérapie = 1.76 (2020/05/04), 8.58(2020/05/27), 0.18(2020/07/29), 0.03(2020/09/15),

Post-Hormonothérapie = 0.01(2020/12/15)

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply todoc1947g

If it goes down to <0.01, then that will be your nadir. Nadir simply means the lowest point reached.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply toTall_Allen


timotur profile image

It's not necessarily your nadir-- you could go lower, e.g. <0.01, but even if 0.03 is nadir, it's a good result. I was 0.03 three months after HDR-BT/IMRT on Lupron, then it fell to <0.01 and stayed there since. Been off ADT now for three months. You'll know more when your T recovers after ADT wears off.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply totimotur

Thanks and Happy New-Year 2021 with a LOT of HEALTH.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply totimotur


Got my latest results (2021/03/12)

.PSA 0.01 and

Testosterone = 6.6nmol/L or 1.9036µg/L or 1903.572ng/L or 190.3572ng/dL

So PSA new nadir is <0.01µg/L from 0.03 and

Testosterone increase from:

<0.2nmol/L or <0.0577µg/L or <57.684ng/L or <5.7684 ng/dL to

6.6nmol/L or 1.9036µg/L or 1903.572ng/L or 190.3572ng/dL

I am very happy because my 2 cancers are dormant so now I can use my energy to fight my Severed Depression and cope with my Severe Pulmonary Emphesyma.

timotur profile image
timotur in reply todoc1947g

Congrats, A reading of .01 is magnitude of three times less than .03. Very good result. Cheers!

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply totimotur

Thanks.My 2 cancers and my other chonic diseases like Pulmonary Emphysema were keeping me exhausted.

Now I should have a break.

And I also have to deal with a severed depression which we are trying to control with Sertraline that went from 100 to 200mg.

Hope to finaly get good results.

My next PSA & Testosterone test will be on March 1 st 2021.

JuliesHusband profile image
JuliesHusband in reply todoc1947g

I have few medical issues other than an aneurysm in the ascending aorta that I am thinking was caused by a period of high blood pressure that also caused temporary heart enlargement and also have paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT). Diltiazem and losartan pretty much make them a non issue.

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer just before my 74th birthday (happy birthday) and am now 75 and almost six months post treatment.

Right now the PSA is 0.34 ng/dl and testosterone 359 ng/dl.

Other than survival, retaining sexual function was my main goal. As I understand it, the radiation plus 6 months of lupron are probably giving me a good chance to move on. Now it is about waiting to see whether there are any permanent side effects. I am fully functional sexually and, as I understand it, if that continues through about 2 years I will probably not run into ED.

Something I did not expect were continuing emotions and maybe depression like we typically experience with hormone therapy, continuing fatigue and sensitive nipples. My urologist mentioned that the hormones are still readjusting and it dawned on me that moving back to male hormones may be a form of puberty! Crazy, but this IS what I experienced during adolescence.

So after an adventure with the symptoms of menopause, it is back to the symptoms of puberty. The doctors didn't mention this so I wonder whether they are even aware.

JuliesHusband profile image

As I understand it, ADT causes a very low PSA number as it removes the testosterone feeding the cancer and the cancer based PSA drops. After my fifth month of lupron treatment my PSA was .13 ng/dl compared to pretreatment 3.1 ng/dl. The prostate is still there, so the PSA will probably not drop to the post surgery undetectable levels.

Six months after my last 1 month lupron injection the PSA was .34 ng/dl.

The radiation does not kill the cancer, but hopefully prevents it from reproducing. With radiation and ADT treatment we still have a prostate and it will be producing PSA. As the cancer dies off over a period of time the PSA should go down to a nadir. I can't find a specific time frame, but appears to be one or more years before the cancer is no longer producing the excess PSA and a nadir is reached.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply toJuliesHusband

Since my newset PSA result was PSA = <0.01µg/L, I will just know my Nadir PSA when the PSA start to climb.Not holding my breath(could not with my Pulmonary Emphesyma) but when it will come, we will deal with it.

So I call my PSA Nadir = <0.01µg/L.

It would be nice to have your info(PSA & Gleason Score.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply todoc1947g

BTW if you prefer a more private, you just click on my icone then click "Message".

JuliesHusband profile image
JuliesHusband in reply todoc1947g

This video may help answer your questions.

So after ADT the testosterone hopefully rises which can cause increase in PSA and the cancer is dying and as it dies the PSA goes down.

JuliesHusband profile image

Have you had surgery as well?

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply toJuliesHusband

No. With all my heath problems plus in Quebec, the do not do any form of RP to peoples of 70 and more but with exception.

JuliesHusband profile image
JuliesHusband in reply todoc1947g

I missed that we are using different units, ng/dl vs μg/L. If I calculate correctly, my pre-treatment PSA was .031 μg/L, at five months lupron would be .0013 μg/L and is now .0034 μg/L. I expect that as the cancer dies off the PSA will go down.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply toJuliesHusband

We do not have that acurate results.

0.01 μg/L This is the most acurate than we can get as results.

JuliesHusband profile image
JuliesHusband in reply todoc1947g

That's the same accuracy, I think, just different units.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply toJuliesHusband

They are not the same unit but if I transform 0.01μg/L then I get 1.0ng/dL.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply todoc1947g

What was your PSA before they discover the cancer,And what was your Gleason Score,

JuliesHusband profile image
JuliesHusband in reply todoc1947g

My PSA had been 2.7 ng/dl going up to 3.2 ng/dl over a six month period. Gleason was (3+4) 7. Intermediate favorable.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply toJuliesHusband

There are 2 web sites for conversion between different units.

This one is for Testosterone:

In Quebec, Canada they are using the nmol/L.

And this one is for PSA:

In Quebec, Canada they are using the µg/L.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply toJuliesHusband

And you, did you had RP or just RT alone or RT + ADT?

I had VMAT-RT 3Gy X 20Fx = 60Gy but equivalent to 118Gy in 48 Fx.

I was supposed to have my ADT 8 weeks prior to my RT but due to a BIG F*CKING screwup, I finally got the ADT 8 days before RT. My swing in my PSA in May 2020 was due to Casodex 50mg/30days started on April 4th 2020.

JuliesHusband profile image
JuliesHusband in reply todoc1947g

I had IMRT and ADT; 28 sessions for a total, I believe, of 70 gy with the Varian TrueBeam which appears to be the same as VMAT and six months lupron.

I'm not familiar with the Fx notation you are using. The purpose of the ADT is to make the cancer more susceptible to the radiation and I had my first lupron shot 2 months before beginning IMRT session.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply toJuliesHusband

Fx = Fractions or number of treatments.

So you got VMAT-RT 2.5Gy X 28 Fx = 70 Gy.

This RT we got is also called Hypofractionnated RT but mine was a little bit stronger so they could cut down the number of treatments.

So from your answer I presume that you still have your prostate.

JuliesHusband profile image
JuliesHusband in reply todoc1947g

I have my prostate and am sexually fully functional. No diapers, no catheters, no knives. At 75 I didn't want to spend up to 5 years in recovery from surgery.

IMRT rather than VMAT, but I believe they are basically the same thing.

This video shows a sterilized version (no dropping of the pants) of the IMRT in use.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply toJuliesHusband

I am not sure, the way I understood, the VMAT-RT is supposed to be more acurate, the treatment is shorter (2.5 minutes including positionning) and they deliver a higher dose (3Gy(my RT) vs 2.5Gy(your RT) vs 1.5 to 2.0Gy(traditionnal RT)).

With a total of 60Gy(me), 70Gy(You) and 118Gy(Regular RT), our lower dosage is equivalent and better than the 118+Gy.

LESS RT toxicity.

JuliesHusband profile image
JuliesHusband in reply todoc1947g

Compared to older technology. There is a lot of marketing in the industry, particularly with proton treatment.

I think they are both the same technology. Fractional doses delivered as the head revolves around the patient, lens shutter constantly adjusting to the shape of the target from the angle of delivery.

Dosages are whatever the oncologist feels is needed.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply toJuliesHusband

This video looks exactly like the VMAT-RT that I have received, 20 times.Blood tests of this morning are stable = anemia & Lyphoma results.

More Bkood Tests tomorrow with a REAL R/V.

Boywonder56 profile image

I come her to be enlightend.....sometimes i feel wayyyyyyy...undereducated...and i passed a bar..... of course i turned around an went in........thats all i got fear

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply toBoywonder56

Do not feel like that.I worked 40 years as an Anaaesthesia-Assistant so my medical knowledge is above the average bear (said Yogi Bear)

Boywonder56 profile image
Boywonder56 in reply todoc1947g

Think it went like this...."why do people smoke yogi......i dont know boo boo"...

Not what you're looking for?

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