I am going to have to have IMRT for 20 treatments at UCLA as opposed to the 5 Sbrt treatments as the EPE on reread on my Biopsy identified the extracapsular extension.
My Ro thinks that:
Not to have spaceoar as it may trap the Extracapsular extension microscopic cancer cells .
IMRT has more data than SBRT and is safer with the more drawn out treatment and less high velocity treatment as SBRT.
Is the 20 treatment IMRT as good as the 28. What's the difference between , IMRT Condensed, IMRT Dynamic, IMRT Vmat,?
Is proctitis a major concern w/o the space oar and with IMRT treatment. I don't want my rectum burnt. Is IMRT low enough in GY's that the radiation is not generally a problem for the rectum with IMRT? Worried without the Spaceoar protection.
Thanks for responding...Gleason 4+3 , EPE, PSA 7, 68