Here's another plot summarizing data from a 2020 paper in the New England Journal of Medicine by Neil Shore, et al. that shows Orgovyx has much faster "ON" and "OFF" changes in testosterone levels, compared to Lupron.
This plot compares the percentage of men who recover their testosterone (defined as T > 280 ng/dl), after 90 days of stopping ADT treatment. Only 3% of men on Lupron had "recovered" their testosterone, compared to 54% of men on Orgovyx who had "recovered" their T, both at 90 days after stopping ADT treatment.
These results explain why Intermittent ADT (iADT) is not particularly successful for men taking Lupron (i.e., their T-recovery is too slow). Doing iADT with Orgovyx would be expected to work much better, because Orgovyx has a much faster T-recovery when stopping Orgovyx at the beginning of the "OFF" period (Holiday).