RP was march 23rd. Testosterone level mid May was 38. (not chemically induced). PSA on June 2nd was .31. My PSA prior to surgery was 6.0 and gleason 3+4. I think my surgeon may have misled me. I had told him prior to agreeing to the surgery that I did not want to give up my sex life and did not want to be incontinent. He said I could go right back to my sex life after surgery and that I might need medication help for erections and that my physical health indicated I would get my continence back relatively quickly. The PSMA scan showed there was no spread of the cancer and therefore, removal of the prostate should have gotten rid of the cancer. Well, obviously I can't have a sex life with a Testosterone level of 38 and can't go back on the Androgel with a PSA of .31 and i'm still incontinent (which I will admit is not as bad as it was). I am in a very deep depression and extremely irritable (and have most of the other symptoms of Low T). I'm still very sorry I agreed to the surgery, but well, here I am.
I'm really wondering from those who have had higher PSA scores right after RP, how long before the doctor does radiation to get rid of the residual cancer? Will it get rid of the residual cancer? And will the surgeon have to wait until continence fully returns before starting radiation?
For the last 6 months, since receiving notification i had cancer, i've spent each and every day obsessing about this and don't see a way out until I'm done with whatever treatment I have to go through.