My husband has just been diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. The doctor plans to do a scan to see if it has spread and then put him on Orgovyx. I am concerned about side effects (he is 86) and was hoping fenbendazole could be used at the same time to help things along. Does anyone have experience to share in the use of these two drugs?
Can Fenbendazole be taken along with ... - Prostate Cancer N...
Can Fenbendazole be taken along with Orgovyx?

Before they gave me Orgovyx, they asked for any and every prescription & supplement I was taking to ensure there was no conflict. Sorry, I have no history / experience with fenbendazole.
fenbendazole? And youre worried about Orgovyz side effects?
fenbendazole is for parasites and tapeworms in livestock, not humans.
Can you tell me why, please?
Mebendazole is the closest 'for human consumption' in this class of drugs. To be fair, some people report good results with Fenbendazole but it is for animals.
I've never taken Orgovyx, but I've used Lupron for 5+ years, fenben for 4+, with no issues. I doubt if taking them together is any problem.
Why is that, since he's also on standard therapy?
In my humble opinion. He's 86. Let him experience the side effects of Orgovyx alone for about 3 months or more. One thing at a time unless a Dr. has ordered a combination of proven treatment.
Very important to discuss, inform his MO of any supplement, or veterinary intended concoction he is considering taking.