Update on yesterday's SBRT #4.
The machine that is treating me (Varian Edge) takes two revolutions to administer the fraction. They line you up with lasers and images before, track the fiducials during the rotation (and the machine automatically holds the beam if you and/or your prostate move out of acceptable parameters), and they re-image between fractions. Took a little longer than the previous three treatments because during the second rotation the machine saw my prostate was not within parameters and it stopped. Took a couple minutes to start again.....the machine had to move me 1/10 (0.1) millimeter.....wow THAT'S accuracy!
Went for a 2.5 mile walk after treatment, little headache and a little fatigue last night. Reduced urine stream at 4:00am (only got up once), this morning stream is fine. Just finished 45 minutes of dumbbells and abs, off to walk 18 holes this aft.
We'll see how I feel after my final treatment tomorrow.....will feel guilty ringing the bell, but I will get over it!
I will report in again in the next day or three.
Still no Orgovyx side effects (just started week #4)
Stay Strong Brothers!