Hello and THANK YOU to all you brave and extremely knowledgeable folks for posting your priceless experiences and expertise here and to the brave spouses and partners as well. This Network has helped keep me sane since I was diagnosed with PC in 2023 and I could not decide on which way to deal with it. My status is in my profile but I am basically "Intermediate Favorable" with two legions identified using MRI. Gleason scores of 3+3 in three samples and 3+4 in one sample out of 19 total samples taken six months ago during a "targeted" biopsy. Decipher test done and the result was 0.58 just below high risk category starting at 0.60.
My urologist suggested either RP or RT. I have decided on SBRT at Norwalk Hospital in CT after meeting with the RO there and learning about the process and options.
I had the Spacer gel and three gold fiducial seeds put in place on 3/22/2024 and I go for the simulation and scans for the SBRT procedure mapping on 4/5. I have no side effects from the gel/seed procedure except initial soreness where they went in through the perenium. I was put out for the procedure. I am taking Finasteride (propecia) to try to shrink my prostate, Tamsulosin (flomax) to urinate better and I will begin taking Tadalafil (cialis) once the radiation starts to assist the bloodflow.
I plan to post updates from my procedure and certainly post any questions I have.
Thank you all again for all your help and guidance.
My Best Wishes for the best possible outcomes for All .