Hi All,
I am still debating AS vs SBRT at this time, although My urologist and RO plus NY Proton Center are telling me I should move forward with treatment. My urologist put me on Cialis to help with a bit of an enlarged prostate and slower urinary flow. It seems to have helped. I saw on a Prostate Cancer Research Institute youtube video that they often prescribe Cialis before during and after treatment as they feel it may help prevent erectile dysfunction down the road. I mentioned it to my urologist, and he wasn’t very encouraging about my future erections long term after sbrt. Is that really the case? I didn’t believe that based on men on this site and also some books and articles I read. I know there is a possibility I may get ED that will not respond to ED meds, but I believed the odds were slightly more in my favor that I may be OK in that department. Can anyone shed some light on this?
Thank you.