hi all, well this week a year ago I had a radical prostectomy, my PSA has gone from 0.02, 0.05, 0.08 and today it’s 0.13, got a call from my nurse and had a chat , this will be passed on to my surgeon tomorrow and he will decide what happens next, normally they wait till it’s 0.20 but it’s possible I might have a scan with radiotherapy to follow, they might wait till my next tests in 3 months, I’m feeling fine, wish me luck, will keep you posted
latest PSA test results : hi all, well... - Prostate Cancer N...
latest PSA test results

RADICALS used 3 consecutive rises in addition to 0.1. The advantage of salvage radiation sooner rather than later is that ADT may not be needed and the treatment field may be narrower (=less toxicity).
Sir, what do you think of my conversation with my urologist (in Canada) yesterday. RPT in 2018, continuous Eligard and bicalutimide until July 2022 then cessation because PSA at 0.01, testosterone at 1.0. The urologist said to stop treatment until PSA rises to 4.0. From what l have read on HU this appears rather tardy, especially if SRT could enhance my prospects. Your view would be much appreciated. My age, by the way, is 79. Maybe the SOC has been considered.
What were your pathology results?
I haven’t got any pathology results, not been given any, should I ask for them?
Yes. Positive margins, stage and Gleason score after RP.
Well shoot, I was hoping it would be lower but it could be a lot worse. Yes, ask for your pathology report/results. I had my RP in 2018 and I still look back at mine occasionally. I know things are different across the pond but if my PSA's get up to .08 or so, I'm going to find the best radiologist I can find and get radiation. My opinion is that you should push for the scan and radiation now. I wish you all the good luck in the world!
Good Luck 🙏
happy thoughts to you.
Your PSA is clearly on the move. I wouldn’t wait any longer if I were you. Of course as one who got aggressive treatment post op with a undetectable PSA I would say that. It was suggested to me and I said yes, since my pathology was adverse. You need those results, they help you participate going forward.
hi ukpete
I am in uk (Scotland); both Scottish and English FOI rules allow you access to your medical records. I always get a copy of my blood report before I have my one-on-one with my consultant or cancer team. The consultant did not like the idea of me having the reports at first, but when i asked him why, he said nothing! I now know exactly where I stand and have the latest information with which to discuss future treatment.
The NHS will have you jump through a few hoops before they will release the documents, but once you clear the prerequsite requirements, it is straight forward thereafter. Make sure you advise them, (NHS Legal), that yours is a recurring requirement, so you dont have to jump through hoops each time.
Good luck and good health...
I’ve just been told to wait till my next blood test in 3 months as the PSA is still low at 0.13, I actually feel disappointed
My PSA stayed in the 0.12-0.13 area for over a year when it started to climb. Maybe you will be so fortunate.... Best of luck to you.
I have a friend also his PSA was 0.13 for a while then it went down, I really feel good and healthy suppose it’s just the 3 month wait till my next blood test, it’s a case of chin up
I wish you good luck.
Why do you have to wait 3 months for the next test? Why not 1. 5 months?
Hey Pete, three months will go by before you know it. Live your life and have as much fun as possible as soon as possible. I'm sure your Doc is following the standard of care and 0.13 is low. When I was diagnosed several years ago everything I read said a recurrence happens when PSA reaches 0.2. You got somebody praying for you across the pond!
Yes, your PSA is on move and 3 consecutive PSA rises.
2.5 years ago I went consecutively fom 0.01, 0.02 0.03 to 0.06 in a year. I preemptively struck with IMRT and a one month dose of ADT. Last week's PSA reading less than 0.03.
I had somewhat similar increases and started to get serious sooner than later. I had PSMA PET scan when PSA was 0.12, it showed intense uptake in surgical bed. My GS 4+3=7, ECE, PNI with no lymph node spread noted. Dr. Scholz indicated that could be it but you never know for sure, i see it as odds/risks. Finished SRT to bed and pelvic lymph nodes in Aug with few side effects so far. I was on ADT for 14 mths before SRT while finding doctor amd making decision PSA<.01, and ADT will end this 10/22 for 18mth total. That's just the way it worked out for me. Good luck.
IMO use a commercial third party and pay for the test out of pocket if you can?? I found a few web places that will do this for a small fee like...
Patience is not my strong point though
I had a similar situation but my ultra sensitive PSA went from 0.02 to 0.05 in a year and a half after my RP and because it had been slowly but consistently going up I decided to have salvage radiation about 22 months after my RP. After my radiation (which was the easiest process ever, 35 quick 10 minute treatments, and easy with no side effects for me) my PSA went to undetectable and a year later it was still undetectable. I still get my PSA every 3 months. I switched doctors and my latest PSA was less than 0.006 which I hope means it is still undetectable, will find out the sensitive of the ultra sensitive test when I see me Dr. this week.
I guess the point of my story (certainly not data driven like TA can provide) is that for me I am glad I did my SR when I did because the radiation was so easy with no side effects and it significantly cut my PSA. In fact, if I had to do over, I would have done radiation originally instead of surgery. I say that because my RP caused me to become impotent as well as having some incontinence (not bad, but I had it). Interestingly for me, and from what I read I am definitely not the norm, after my SR my incontinence has actually improved, not perfect buy almost a non issue.
Bottom line, my recommendation (for what it is worth, again defer to TA) is to do your SR now, rather than later because at least based on what I experienced everything only has gotten better.
Either way, good luck.
I fully agree, in a perfect world Pete should get salvage radiation now with his PSA at 0.13 and a clear rising trend. But, he's in the U.K. I don't know how it works there. It very well may be difficult to get SRT in the UK until PSA gets higher. Maybe TA knows something about a person in Pete's situation across the pond and will weigh in.