I've got only half a prostate left -- PSA was 1.0 for years after last HIFU, then went to 2 in 2019 and remained in the 1.5 range until a couple of months ago. That's when I started taking a blood pressure drug, and all of a sudden I was getting spontaneous erections again for the first time in years, especially at night. Not having sex (though now thinking about it a lot, also for the first time in years). At the same time, my PSA rose from 1.5 to 2.2. Can simple erections cause PSA to increase even without having sex?
can frequent erections raise PSA? - Prostate Cancer N...
can frequent erections raise PSA?

if your prostate gets stimulated, it can increase PSA.
No doubt some of your PSA is still there.
No. Only orgasm makes prostate cells move.
Don't know about the prostate cancer ramifications but be glad of the nocturnal erections. Those are necessary for the health of the penis and to prevent atrophy, a risk that goes with ADT.
Sex (including with yourself), bike riding, and injury can cause PSA to rise.
Which blood Pressure Med? “I’ll have what he’s having”. Im on Benazapril and no such luck
Thanks everybody -- all this is good to know, and a relief (though sometimes I wake in the middle of the night to find my hand clutching...um...it -- hope that's not having sex). Wish I had a sex drive, but my T is so low it went away years ago and shows no sign of coming back. The blood pressure med is Losartan (aka Cozaar) -- I know, sounds like an alien race from Alpha Centauri or something. I'd never heard of it. An angiotensin receptor blocker. The erections are very firm. Hope it works for everybody who tries it. I'm not even bothering to check my bp anymore in case it's not working for that. I mean, like, who cares? pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/113...
Just thought of something -- I'm taking 25mg of Losartan, but I also take 20mg of Cialis (tadalafil) every day (and have for years on the advice of my urologist for the same reason as WSOPeddie noted). Tadalafil also lowers blood pressure (that's how these ED drugs work), but it wasn't doing much and my bp was borderline high (130+) so that's why my doctor prescribed the Losartan, and the combo is probably what worked.
I suspect the tadalafil (Cialis) is the primary mover here. How do you handle the sniffles it causes? I have a 20mg prescription, which I cut in half to 10mg. If I take it in the AM with my morning meds (around 9AM) by 10AM my nose is running like a drippy faucet. It does help with the firmness condition, but the running nose has gotten old now. At this point I've switched over to an "as-needed" basis, and take a whole 20mg. That has greatly reduced my costs for it (Part-D didn't cover it on almost any plan I could afford, but GoodRX made it semi-affordable..) and generally the sniffles aren't awful now.
The tadalafil wasn't working much at all for me -- kept taking it per MDs recommendation to keep circulation going. Starting the Losartan made a dramatic difference. Never had a problem with sniffles despite taking tadalafil for going on 20 years now. My hayfever now is just as bad as it was before I ever began with the tadalafil, so I have to take anthistamines (loratadine).