I updated this with the most recent STAMPEDE trial of adding docetaxel to ADT in what they call "high-risk" patients.
No benefit of adding docetaxel to ADT... - Prostate Cancer N...
No benefit of adding docetaxel to ADT+RT in treating localized high-risk or pelvic lymph node only (N1) newly-diagnosed patients
Thanks Tall_Allen for supplying up to date data.
Thanks T A
Thanks for the update on this Tall__Allen. Very timely as many of us face treatment decisions in this situation space. Definitely an area to keep watching for continued updates.
Thank you, TA. I agree with the others. Very timely and relevant.
Thanks, Tall_Allen! Your experience/insight is why I’m here.
My PSMA PET just confirmed T0 N1 M0. 22 months after a perfect HIFU. PSA was non-detect at 3 months rising steady to 3.6 last week. (Pre HIFU: 4+3 Hopkins; Decipher “low risk”)
Based on Dr. Scholz’s “high indigo” I was preparing for Lupron + Zytiga + Taxotere for max efficacy. Haven’t seen RO/MO yet.
Your posting this study is reassuring and certainly has reduced my apprehension as to what’s to come next! Thank you!