Hello, Im a 61 year old man, IIB, T2c, no mo, classified as unfavorable intermediate. I just finished my last day of 28 days of VMAT, ( total 70gy) ,last Weds day on May 15. Minimal SE so far. I also have 5 months in on ADT , Lupron, 1month, 1month , and 3 month shot. So I was feel pretty good , maybe give the MO 1 more month of ADT to make him happy and get on trying to heal. But my Decipher score , which I pushed to have done, also came back last week with a high risk score. I have an appointment with my MO tomorrow , I know he was recommending 18 months to 3 years with this on ADT.
My PSA was 15 in Nov 2022, 18 Jan 2023, back down to 15.8. at time of diagnosis May 2023, 21.44 Dec 5, 2023 ( but I think there was sexual activity before), and 27.71 about two week later on Dec 18 , 2023 ( but there was also lots of sexual activity because I knew I was going on ADT) so I'm not sure how accurate those results are. ( I know stupid me)
I guess I'm not really sure what advice I'm asking for. I'd like to be cured , but QOL is important to me also , with ED up there as something I'm very much trying to avoid. Heard the out comes for that aren't too good for anything over 6 months. I'm relatively lucky in that the Lupron SE are not too bad for me, and I'm still able to get erect and orgasm , but dry ( was also hoping I could till ejaculate for a least a short time before the RT SE kicked in). I did start low dose Cialis daily, 2 week ago, to try and keep things working.
I was thinking I'll get another 3 month shot and see how that goes , with maybe .... one year total?
I should also mention that If I didn't have that Decipher test done I would probably only be looking at 6 months total ADT.