What is the best threadmnt for Gls7 o... - Prostate Cancer N...

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What is the best threadmnt for Gls7 on T1?

Kai77 profile image
13 Replies

Hi...i'm new..sory for bad english..

My father just got Pca last mont..

Last mont psa 5.6 (with doudart pill for 3weeks)

Gl scr 7 (3+4) on T1

And on random biopsy got one core had postf...

Then on MRI got 3 lession for 6mm,4mm dan 3mm...

And still dont know what to do?

I'm so worry about my fatther..he is stil 55years old

Any recomd? Thnx alot all

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Kai77 profile image
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13 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

This is called "favorable intermediate risk prostate cancer." His options include surgery, SBRT or brachytherapy, I did SBRT, but I don't know if it's available where he is.

Kai77 profile image
Kai77 in reply to Tall_Allen

Thnk alot for reply..there is sbrt but only cyberknife..and i also think about it..

Leeaussie5 profile image

Hi Kai Welcome to the group.

First do not panic. This is an intermediate risk cancer. Your father has time- months- to decide on the right treatment. Your father is young so he should recover well from treatment.

This cancer is slow growing but it will need treatment. T1 means the cancer is small - it cannot be felt by a doctor when he touches the prostate.

I do not know how good treatment options are in your part of Malaysia.

Treatment options in Australia, Europe and the United States are either radiation therapy or surgery. Hopefully not both. There are other options but these are more experimental.

The quality of treatment varies a lot depending on your doctor and hospital. The level of experience of your treating doctor will make a big difference to the outcome.

Tall Allen, a well respected member of the group, will certainly advise to get as much information as you can and be careful in making your decision. Go to lots of doctors and ask the same things to get a balanced view.

Best wishes for a successful 2020.

Kai77 profile image
Kai77 in reply to Leeaussie5

Thnx for reply..did you think my father need any pet scan?

Leeaussie5 profile image
Leeaussie5 in reply to Kai77

Hi Kai

I had a similar diagnosis to your father in May 2019. I had surgery in August.

My doctor recommended that I have a PSMA PET scan to eliminate risk that the cancer had spread. It was negative.

Best wishes

Kai77 profile image
Kai77 in reply to Leeaussie5

Ow..how was your outcome?

My father afraid about leaked and erectn function...

How about you?

Thnx for reply

Leeaussie5 profile image
Leeaussie5 in reply to Kai77

Kai. Prostate cancer is every middle aged mans nightmare. Just when you have worked hard, built a life, have wonderful children- PCA comes to destroy it all.

But your father, like most men our age, has learned how to be very savvy. This is a frightening time but he does have some power.

First is his choice of doctor and treatment. I met many doctors. My second choice doctor told me that 10% of men leak forever. My choice doctor has proof 1% of his patients leak.

On average only 20% of men get proper erection function back after surgery. If they are over 60, that number drops to 5%. My doctor claims 40% of his patients have no function problems. He was expensive.

I am fortunate. I have no leaking or erection issues. The money was worth it.

Remember that most people on this site have problems. They need support. When your first diagnosed, everyone needs support. As you recover or undertake treatment, everyone needs support.

I also bought support. I have a physiotherapist who specialises in leakage. He teaches you the exercises you need to be strong - even as a part of your strength is removed. I have a sexual rehabilitation doctor who advises me on drugs and what I do to recover. I have a counsellor who talks me through my feelings as I prepared for treatment and recovered. I have a physiologist who strengthens my body before and after treatment. I spared myself nothing.

This may have been too much. But prostate cancer is serious. It is very very hard on patients. I have had the lowest moments in my life.

But I am recovering.

Happy new year

ocman profile image
ocman in reply to Leeaussie5

Who was your doctor?

Leeaussie5 profile image
Leeaussie5 in reply to ocman

I had a Professor Stricker at St Vincent’s private hospital, Sydney.

dadzone43 profile image

There is no single answer. All the treatments the others have listed are equally effective for his survival. The only BAD choice would be to do nothing. I chose surgery. Others chose radiation. Both work equally well. Both have significant side effects. Your father should know that he will at first lose his ability to control his bladder. That is temporary but he needs training to strengthen the muscles around his bladder. He will lose his sexual function. That may be temporary or may be permanent. These may be things difficult for a daughter and father to discuss. There are many excellent patient education materials available from organizations like MaleCare and USToo International. Good luck in your journey.

A0007720 profile image

Hey Kai, As Leeaussi5 says, please do not panic. Your Dad's case is likely curable, and you are one good son for posing these questions on his behalf. Ultimately, the physician and your Dad must decide what to do. However given that the PSA is 5.6, stage is T1 and the Gleason group is group 2, it is very unlikely that the cancer has spread so far. Radiation alone may be enough to cure it, while having the lowest chances of side effects. Whatever you do, PLEASE make sure your Dad follows up with regular checkups of his PSA.

Kai77 profile image
Kai77 in reply to A0007720

Yes...thnk alot...mybdad choose to use sbrt on cybrknf...but we can not find any hospital near my country that use cybrknf for prostate cancer...i live in indonesia...did u know any? Thnx alot

fldrifters1 profile image

Dear Kai77....I chose IGRT not cyberknife but radiation ...the old fashioned way....many trips ...45 in all....probably find this type of treatment possibly near you.....3 years now for me since end of IGRT and NO side effects like many say will happen with radiation after a couple years.....Im near normal in all body functions at age 71 now.....the treatment was so easy.....good luck ....Peace

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